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Yes. Any hormone imbalance can affect you physically and psychologically.

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13y ago

Testoterone sometimes kicks in at major points of puberty more than ever and can lead to a string of different emotions; usually anger

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Q: Can lack of testosterone cause moodiness?
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Does lack of testosterone cause feminization?

Not feminization, which is caused by estrogen and progesterone. But it causes a lack of male characteristics.

Can your moodiness be a pregnancy symptom?

It can be, but a lot of other things can also cause moodiness.

Does topical acne cream cause moodiness?

No it doesn't, it contains no psychotropic ingredients. Acne itself can cause moodiness, however, since people often worry about their appearance.

Why can't you get erect?

diabetes, obecity, lack of testosterone?

Could lack of sex for a long period of time cause lack of interest in sex or libido?

No, it increases your lust for sexual activity while at the same time causing a gratuitous amount of testosterone buildup in one's kidneys.

What cause lost of interest in sexIn men?

Lack of interest in sex can be due to low libido, low testosterone, stress or anxiety can lead to loss of interest in sex.

What hormone causes sexual immaturity?

Lack of testosterone, estrogens and progesterone.

Will testosterone injections cause a false positive THC urine test?

No. There's no THC in testosterone.

Can a teen have low testosterone?

Low testosterone in teens is rare, but not impossible. See your doctor if you are concerned. Thyroid condition can cause low testosterone.

Can too much testosterone cause eczema?

Yes It can. It did to me when I was on a special training diet that included Testosterone boosts.

What make man hands look girly?

Lack of testosterone i guess. Or your just really feminine.

Can enlarged prostate cause very low testosterone?

The enlarged prostate wouldnt regulate the testosterone production in either direction.