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Q: Can i take Mucinex and MethyIPRENISolone tabletsUPS 4mg together?
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Can you take toradol and mucinex together?

A person can take Toradol and Mucinex together. It would be best that you did not take them together.

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Can you take mucinex and allegra together?

Yes, there are no drug interactions. Remember to drink plenty of water with the Mucinex.

Can you take bromfed and mucinex together?

NO. They both contain antihistamine. .

Can you take mucinex dm while taking Aleve?

Yes, there is no problem in taking those 2 drugs together.

Can you take mucinex and Aleve d together?

This will be OK. Remember that the Mucinex is going to make you jittery, especially with the Decongestant added in. Drink extra water to help flush the mucus out of your body. If you get too nervous, switch to the plain Mucinex instead.

Can you take Sudafed and mucinex together without any adverse effects?

Yes, there is no proven interaction with Mucinex and Ibuprofen

Can you take zithromax and mucinex together?

Yes. Always ask the advice if a Pharmacist if you have questions.

Can you take an antacid with mucinex?

That would be fine. Mucinex is an expectorant. It breaks up mucus and helps you to cough it out. Antacids dissolve in your stomach and react with stomach acid to neutralize it. You could take Tums, Rolaids, or Mylanta safely with Mucines.

Can you take benadryl and mucinex and cipro together?

Yes but never take any antacids with cipro, levaquin or other antibiotics of this nature.