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Whilst it is possible to drink whilst on anti biotics the side effects of these drugs will be enhanced. If an antibiotic may make you feel dizzy or sick if you drink alcohol there is a much higher chance of getting these side effects.

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13y ago

It all depends on which antibiotic you are taking, what you are taking it for and what dose you are taking... Your best bet is to call a local Pharmacist and ask them. I know this because I like to drink and I've had to hold off on it because of antibiotics.

Here's how it works though; most antibiotics do not have any interactions with alcohol, so technically it is typically safe in that sense...

However when your body metabolizes alcohol it uses the water in your blood(this is why you have to suddenly use the bathroom frequently after a few drinks) so it dehydrates you. Also you lose various vitamins in this process..and if you have antibiotics in your blood stream some if not all of it will get filtered out along with the alcohol. An added side bonus to dehydration is a weakened immune system, with a bonus of some vitamin depletion.

SO although it MAY(depending on the antibiotic) be safe in the sense that you won't get poisoned or explode into flames, it will most definitely weaken or prevent the antibiotics from working to fight the infection that the doctor prescribed it to you for.

Ultimately you should first call the Pharmacist who will most likely NOT recommended it or only in moderation(one or at most two drinks)... But either way, put your health first. I love a good drink or five, but I love not having an infection more. Think about that. That said I propose a toast "To Health!"

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12y ago

No, a person should not. ....................................

that doesn't explain why they shouldn't. The reason there is a whole stigma behind drinking and antibiotics is because when they were first introduced it was for people with sti's/std's and therefore saying that they couldn't drink stopped promiscuity, to therefore stop sti's and so on. So drinking is fine, doesn't make the tabs stop working. I've done it myself;tried and tested, so sorted!

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13y ago

Depending on what anti-biotics it is, usually it isn't appropriate or recommended to take alcohol with antibiotics. However by reading the label/booklet it will tell you as to whether or not this is safe.

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12y ago

Antibiotics won't glue your throat shut, so sure. But it seems kinda silly not to give the antibiotics their best shot of curing whatever that's wrong with you. You'll have plenty of options to drink alcohol later.

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12y ago

yes you can

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