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Q: Can hydrocodone cause blindness
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Does tv cause blindness?

Television does not cause blindness.

Can dehydration cause blindness?

Sim, a desidratação severa pode prejudicar a visão ao reduzir a produção de lágrimas, causando olhos secos e, em casos extremos, danificando a córnea. Embora raro, esse dano pode levar à cegueira se não for tratado.

What is the usual cause of color blindness?

The cause of color blindness is X-linked factors.

What diseases slowly cause blindness?

Common diseases that cause blindness are onchocerciasis, syphilis, diabetes, glaucoma, trachoma. Many other less common diseases may cause blindness.

Can hydrocodone cause headaches?

Yes, it can cause a headache.

Does a lack of vitamin C cause night blindness?

No, a lack of vitamin C does not cause night blindness, but it can cause scurvy. A lack of vitamin A causes night blindness.

Can pepper spray cause blindness?

Pepper spray can swell your eyelids shut and therefore cause temporary blindness.

What causes blindness from eyes popping out?

ermmm... 'missing eyeballs' will be the cause of blindness

What is the primary cause of death of Pelicans?

Blindness due to diving for fish. Blindness cause them not being able to hunt for food

Why does hydrocodone cause constipation?

Like all narcotics, hydrocodone can cause constipation, slow down the respiration and occasionall cause dificulty in urination. Hydrocodone should not be taken by anyone who has shown a previous allergic reaction to the products. Individuals who are sensitive to other opioids, may show a cross sensitivity to hydrocodone.

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night blindness