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Even over-the-counter drugs are just that, "drugs." Before even taking an aspirin or anything for a cold, all you have to do is phone the pharmacist and tell them you are pregnant and can you take cough syrup. They will usually recommend a brand for you. Congratulations Marcy The doctor will usually recommend robitussin for cough and chest congestion, and sudafed for nasal but always check with your doctor first since all drugs do essentially run through your blood and body and do get to the fetus in some way shape or form if you can make it without the drugs then do it try the shower soothers out by sudafed or a hot cup of tea ....also this worked great for me when I was pregnant and congested and had a horrible cold turn the shower on as hot as you can let the bathroom fill with steam and sit in there the steam helps break up the congestion hope this helps a little bit Good Luck and God Bless!!!

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Q: Can cough medicine taken during the first trimester harm the developing fetus?
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I don’t know how much ch 20 ml. Of cough medicine is? I’m asking you

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It is an over the counter, NON-narcotic cough medicine.

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Cough medicine has relatively few side effects, when taken properly, but stomachaches are possible or a slight burning sensation when taking the medicine.