No, weed can be detected up to 3 weeks after you use and coke up to 3 days after.
no, smoke weed you phene
Water won't flush weed out of your system, it will just dilute your urine to be almost completely water. Yes, this makes THC undetectable, but it will also make it so that there is no detectable criotine either. Criotine not being there is proof that its diluted and you will get in trouble and have to take the test again.
It wount help at all. Drink alot of water and pee it out or detox juice.
you can flush your system by drinking a lot of water for around five hours but you cant eat or drink anything but water or else the THC will get absorbed into your urine
Weed is stored in fat cells in the body, therefore the more fat cells, the longer it will take to flush it from your system. That being said, appox. a month. It can be done more quickly by increasing fluid intake.
coke,meth,and weed
Flush the cooling system? Flush the fuel system? Flush the hydraulic brake system? Flush the AC system? Flush the transmission? Pick one.
Some people use cranberry juice, herbal teas, or detox drinks in an attempt to flush weed out of their system. However, the effectiveness of these methods is not scientifically proven, and the best way to pass a drug test is to allow your body enough time to naturally eliminate the marijuana metabolites.
It realy depends on the drug, weed could stay in your system about a month. I Belize it is because your body does not take it as poison so dose not attemt to flush it out your system
meth coke weed
Coke, Heroin, Weed They Are Used The Most :)