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Q: Can clopedigrel alone can be used for aspirin induced gastritis in stent patients?
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How is the esophagus affected by malaria?

Esophagus is not affected by malaria. You can get drug induced gastritis and then reflux esophagitis.

Aspirin and ibuprofen are antipyretics because they?

Aspirin and ibuprofen are antipyretics because they cause the hypothalamus to usurp an interleukin-induced rise in temperature

Why to consume Rablet 20?

It is a proton pump blocker drug ( also called hydrogen potassium ATPase pump blocker.) used for hyperacidity in stomach, drug induced gastritis or for gastric or duodenal ulcer. Please take as per your doctor's advice.

Why is an alcoholic patient not good candidate for a pancreatectomy?

In most patients with the alcohol-induced disease, the pancreas is widely involved, therefore, surgical correction is almost impossible.

How can blood be lost through the gastrointestinal tract?

Colorectal cancer and hookworms, as mentioned above, but also by hemorrhoids, anal fissures, irritable bowel syndrome, aspirin-induced bleeding, blood clotting disorders, and diverticulosis.

What does ECT mean?

ECT is Electroconvulsive therapy. Also known as electroshock, it is a type of psychiatric treatment in which seizures are electronically induced in patients who have been anesthetized. It is often used for patients experiencing severe depression. For more information, see the Related Link.

What is induced spawning?

Induced spawning is a breeding technique used to stimulate fish to release eggs and sperm in a controlled environment, typically through the use of hormones or environmental conditions. This method is commonly used in aquaculture to synchronize the reproduction of fish species and enhance breeding success rates.

Is induced voltage and induced currrent the same?

No, induced voltage and induced current are not the same. Induced voltage refers to the electromotive force that causes a current to flow in a conductor, whereas induced current is the flow of electric charge in response to the induced voltage. The relationship between induced voltage and induced current is governed by Ohm's Law.

What is the DSM definition of Alcohol-related Disorders?

substance-induced disorders and substance use disordersAlcohol-related disordersAlcohol 305.00 Abuse303.90 Dependence291.8 -Induced anxiety disorder291.8 -Induced mood disorder291.1 -Induced persisting amnestic disorder291.2 -Induced persisting dementia291.5 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions291.3 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations291.8 -Induced sexual dysfunction291.8 -Induced sleep disorder303.00 Intoxication291.0 Intoxication delirium291.9 -Related disorder NOS291.8 Withdrawal291.0 Withdrawal delirium

What has the author Robert Sampson written?

Robert Sampson has written: 'Breaking out of environmental illness' -- subject(s): Health, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Environmentally induced diseases, Allergy, Patients, Biography, Environmental toxicology

What pain pill can you take with Warfarin?

There isn't really anything you can't take with Warfarin, so it's really what drugs interaction problems a patient might have (determined by the patient's health history, tolerance or problems with pain medications, etc.) that will determine what pain meds a person can take with it.

What is spontaneous and induced mutations?

Spontaneous mutations occur naturally due to errors in DNA replication, exposure to mutagens, or changes in cellular processes. Induced mutations are deliberately caused by exposure to external factors such as radiation, chemicals, or certain drugs to study the effects of specific genetic changes.