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Q: Can caffeine affect insects heart rate?
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Related questions

Do energy drinks affect heart rate?

Yes, caffeine increases your heart rate.

How does caffeine affect the heart rate as you get older?

Caffine will speed up the heart rate.

How does Chia Tea affect the heart?

It contains caffeine that accelerates the heart rate.

How does caffeine affect a persons heart rate and blood pressure?

Caffeine will raise a person's heart rate and blood pressure unless that person has a tolerance for the specific amount of caffeine taken in.

How does caffeine affect homeostasis?

Caffeine speeds up your heart rate, as both a stimulant and a diuretic

What factor May affect the rate of heart beat?

Your heart rate can be affected through release in hormones, or caffeine, or exercising, or many drugs can also affect the heart rate by decreasing it.

Can certain liquids affect a persons heart rate?

Certain liquids can greatly affect a person's heart rate. Someone that drinks a lot of caffeine may notice an increased heart rate.

Does sports drinks affect the heart rate?

coke cola does effect your heart rate from all the caffeine in the drink. it makes your heart beat even faster

Does caffeine affect your heart rate and blood pressure when you exercise?

Yes Caffeine is a stimulant. Stimulants are a drug category known for stimulating or speeding up our natural body processes, such as heart rate. When you consume something that contains caffeine it elevates your heart rate and blood pressure. Caffeine will stress your body during exercise because your heart is working harder than normally would if you hadn't consumed caffeine beforehand.

How does soda affect your heart rate?

Caffeinated sodas, such as Mountain Dew and Coke, will increase your heart rate.

How does caffeine affect daphnia heart rate?

it makes it go up then down then up then down... like a rollercoaster! :D

How does caffeine affect the lungs and respiratory system?

Caffeine works by constricting the blood vessels and increasing the heart rate.