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i have never come into contact with marijuana, if i did i wouldnt mention it on here lol but im pretty sure that it only causes bad breath after you smoke it. mints or gum will do the trick.


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Just marijuana itself.

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Yes, its called bad morning breath

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Q: Can breath smell like weed with out smoking weed?
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How not to smell like weed after smoking it?

OUST !!!

Could your breath start to smell like weed if you hang around someone who smokes it?

No. Your breath will only smell like it if you smoke it directly.

Can you get weed breath in the morning with out smoking weed ever?

uh, no. haha.

How do you get the smell of weed off you?

Lots of cologne and breath mints.

Can you cover the smell of weed on your breath?

The smell of cigarette smoke will always overpower the smell of marijuana smoke. Or you could just chew gum or eat breath mints.

What can weed smell do to a unborn baby?

the baby is stoned with you. keep on smoking!

Can your breath smell like weed if you don't smoke it?

yes it can, often second hand smoke can make someone, and their breath if standing close enough to a person, smell like smoke to the point where you would smell like a smoker especially if you are around people who smoke fairly often

What are the bad things from smoking weed?

Really the bad thing about smoking weed is that it makes your teeth yellow. Also it makes you have really bad breath I wouldn't smoke weed at all some say it's healthily.

Why does your house smell like weed but nobody smokes?

You either have a child, a neighbor, or a home person living in your crawl space that is smoking the herb.

What are Wiz Khalifa's hobbies?

Smoking weed, smoking weed, and smoking weed

Is swimming in a pool and changing clothes after smoking weed going to get rid of the pot smell?

only if you include mouthwash in the mix, and dont bother changing clothes or swimming in a pool, kuz if you smell that much like weed, you'd be too druged up for it to matter

Can you lose your sense of smell from smoking too much weed?

There is limited research on the direct impact of smoking weed on the sense of smell. However, chronic smoking can affect the olfactory system, potentially resulting in decreased sense of smell. It is always advisable to moderate use and consider alternative consumption methods such as vaping or edibles.