There is no age limit to purchase condoms. In fact, it is federally illegal for any stores to withhold contraception from anyone based on age.
well assuming her partner can use condoms then its the same as condoms, if not the same as anyone else if she is in good health
Use condoms... or don't have sex... don't share needles. and don't swap blood with anyone....
Put them back and say anything to anyone. They are adults and have right to their privacy just like you do. A responsible adult use condoms to protect themselves from diseases among other things so be happy they do that.
Answer It wouldn't be fair of anyone on here to accuse anyone of anything but perhaps he isn't being completely honest with you
Yes, it is recommended for all sexually active individuals, regardless of sexual orientation, to use condoms to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. Condoms are an important tool for protecting sexual health.
No males always produce sperm from the moment their born until they die. A girl is more tricky if they've already started periods then use condoms if not don't take a chance because it's happened.
There are vibrating condom rings that are put on condoms and vibrate but not condoms that actually vibrate themselves
No there are no Nutella condoms but what a great idea.
Well latex condoms are good to prevent pregnancy for the most part but as opposed to latex or polyurethane condoms or animal skin condoms are all good but I recommend spermicidal lubricated condoms.
Condoms *are* good, but your grammar is bad.
Yes, it is possible for condoms to make you dry. Condoms can irritate the vagina and cause minor swelling. Some people do not like the feel of condoms and find that it is a turn off for them.