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A late period is not a side effect from anesthetic dental injection or pain killers.

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Q: Can anaesthetics dental injections and pain killers cause your period to be late?
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The Hepatitis B immunization is given in a series of three injections over a six month period.

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No, I've had heavypain killers to stop my period pains but they've been normal to me...

How long will you miss your period on Lupron?

Lupron injections usually last about 3 months, and 2 injections are usually given in sequence for endometriosis treatment. You will likely not have a period for at least 6 months, and sometimes it can take a few months to become regular after the medication has left your system.

How can you stop your period being painful?

take pain killers or get it cut out so you but u can not get kids

What is the best cure for pain while on your period?

Take a nap! And take some pain killers

Is it normal for the first few days of your period while on birth control to be very very light practically not there?

You will find that your period is lighter when you are on the pill (or patch or injections).

Can you stop your period once you have it?

no but depo injections decrease it to 4 times a year good luck Joymaker rn

Does it harm you to stop taking plavix for a short period of time for example to have dental work done?

The benefits of stopping Plavix before you have dental or surgical procedures far outweigh the risks of not taking the drug for a short period.

What does waiting period mean for dental services?

A waiting period is the period of time before certain procedures are covered under your dental insurance policy. This usually applies to more expensive (sometimes called major) procedures under individual policies like crowns, root canals or full dentures and for orthodontic coverage under group policies. Here are a couple of examples. In the AARP group dental plan there is a one year "waiting period" for gum treatment, full dentures, crowns and TMJ treatment. The Federal Employees Dental Plan has a two year waiting period before orthodontics (braces) are covered.

Is getting your period scary?

No, it is fine, don't worry about it is normal and the worst bit is stomach aches but you can take pain killers for that.

Is there a waiting period for major dental work when you add your spouse onto your dental plan?

Waiting Periods are Not UniformThis depends on your policy. Assuming your plan is an insurance plan (Dental HMO, Dental PPO or Dental Indemnity), some group dental policies will not have waiting periods; but others may. Most individual policies do have waiting periods for major dental work. The application of a waiting period may also be related to when you are adding a spouse--in open enrollment or because of a recent marriage that allows your spouse to be added between open enrollment periods.Bottom-line--you need to check the terms of your policy. You should have a booklet or access to information on-line. You can also call the customer service number on your ID card.NOTE: If your plan is a discount dental plan, there will not be a waiting period as the plan does not pay the dentist, you do--at the negotiated discount.