I would recommend against taking midol and aleve together if on the active ingredients listed includes either naproxen or ibuprofen. This is because naproxen is the same drug as aleve and ibuprofen works in a similar fashion as naproxen. Taking aleve with either of these two ingredients in your midol may produce an overdose.
yes you can overdose and die on that much. that will kill you.
Drug overdose
opium kills people by overdose opium kills people by overdose
Yes... Although it would be difficult, an overdose of THC would certainly be fatal.
Because it can kill you
yes, because of overdose
Midol was first sold in 1911.
You can't kill yourself with birth control pills. An overdose will also not cause abortion or infertility.
Weed can not kill you it just gets you high but if you overdose on it, it will affect you in different kind of ways
Yes it can, but highly unlikely it will.
If you're sensitive to Morphine then 200mg can kill you.