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The symptoms of pregnancy - fatigue, nausea, frequent urination - are nonspecific, and women (and men) may feel them quite often without being pregnant. If you think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

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11y ago

An IUD does not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test. If you "feel pregnant," take a test.

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Q: Can an IUD make you feel pregnant?
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Can a dr see if you are pregnant while inserting an IUD?

The doctor can't see if you are pregnant while inserting an IUD. Your health care provider will ask questions and probably do a urine pregnancy test to make sure that you are not getting an IUD when you are already pregnant.

You had the Mirena IUD put in 6 weeks after having your second child and you havent got a period yet you have gained 10 pounds and you feel pregnant Can I be get pregnant with an IUD?

yes, you can get pregnant with an IUD. my friend got pregnant with hers, because the doctor put it in sideways. if the doctor dont put it in correctly, there is a chance you can get pregnant again.

Can an IUD make your body act pregnant after having it for one year?

An IUD does not make your body think that you are pregnant. Depending on your body you may find that your cycle can be extremly heavy for the first 6-8 months and then it tends to slow down. Some women may even loose their cycle after about a year and a half after having the IUD put in place. This doesn't mean that your body thinks its pregnant. Its only because the linning of your uterus has been shed away over that year and the linning does not come back while the IUD is keeping your uterus open. The IUD does not pass out hormones to tell your body that it is pregnant like a real pregnancy. Certain IUD's can have hormones with them but not to the extent of making your body feel pregnant.

If you have the IUD but you have been having heartburn an you havent got your period could you be pregnant?

Getting pregnant with an IUD in place is rare but it does happen. If you feel that you may be pregnant with an IUD in place you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see a Dr as soon as possible due to possible health risks to you and to the pregnancy.

Is it easy to get pregnant after IUD?

Fertility returns to your baseline after removal of the IUD. Whether it's easy to get pregnant after removal depends on your fertility, not the IUD.

Do you need to be actively menstruating in order to have an IUD inserted?

I know you have to have to be menstruating for the docte or to insert the they can make sure your not pregnant.

You feel pregnant but you have an IUD and had your period last month?

Sounds like you're not pregnant. A urine pregnancy test would be more useful than the Internet.

Do you have to feel the IUD string all the time?

No, you do not have to feel the IUD string all the time.

Is it true to get vaginal bleeding while you have the IUD and be pregnant?

Pregnancy on the IUD is unusual. Bleeding with the IUD is not a special sign of pregnancy. If you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

Does an iud tickle?

An IUD does not tickle. It is not something you feel when it is in place.

Can you get pregnant when your on the IUD but still have your pried?


Why should you remove your IUD?

You should remove your IUD if you want to get pregnant, if you are pregnant, or if its useful life is expired and it's time to replace it.