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It's always advisable not to mix drugs, and that includes alcohol.

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Betty Tromp

Lvl 10
2y ago
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15y ago

It's always advisable not to mix drugs, and that includes alcohol.

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Q: Can alcohol be taken with clomid?
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Could i be pregnant just taken first dose of clomid and haven't ovulated yet its 12 days after the last clomid tablet?

No you could not be pregnant..maybe clomid did not work for you this month..

Is it ok to take Viagra while taken clomid?

contact your doctor

Where can you get testimonials about Clomid by patients who have taken it?

I am an irregular too, I had tried getting pregnant for over 12 months without success. After visiting a doctor who recommended Clomid, it worked.

Can pregnacare and clomid be taken at the same time?

yes u can.pregna care is just a supplient

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if you take clomid once to get pregnant do you have to take it agin

Can this be taken with alcohol?

yes it can

From what doctor in Miami Florida ca you get reasonably priced clomid?

You can get Clomid at the South Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine. Clomid will help you get pregnant fast.

When will a period start after a cycle of Clomid if pregnancy did not occur?

Periods and Clomidi used clomid and if pregnancy hasn't occured u will have a period after the cycle of clomid

Can you take clomid while your tubes tied?

can you take clomid while your tubes tied

Does clomid raise testosterone in men?

yes clomid does work i had a low sperm count i start taking clomid in nov 2008 and my wife got pregnant in feburary 2009. i have a baby girl now i am also taking clomid now to have another child so yes it work my doctor recommended me 90 day supply of clomid.

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Do you get addicted to alcohol?

Alcohol is highly addictive if taken daily in high amounts.