Yes; there is no known interactions with Adderall XR and Omega 3.
The symptoms of dry mouth will leave after stopping Adderall XR within a day or two. Adderall XR is something that does not stay in your system.
The highest dosage Adderall XR comes in is 30 mg.
Adderall XR lasts longer. The XR stands for extended release and lasts around 8-12 depending on the consumer, mg, & tolerance. Generic Adderall which is actually Adderall IR (Instant Release) only lasts for a few hours (about 4 depending on the mgs) because Adderall XR is made from 2 different "beads" which one type releases automatically n the other type releases in about 4 hours so in the end Adderall xr lasts about 8 - 12 hours. When you pay for the Adderall XR you are paying for the extended release feature. SO Adderall XR lasts longer than Adderall IR.
Yes because Adderall XR stands for Adderall Extended Release. XR lasts longer though because the tiny beads in the XR capsules have sort of like a plastic cover over them which makes them longer to dissolve in your stomach...Its almost like a capsules in a capsule. Hope this answered your question. -Shrimpo
rittalin or strattera
150 mg of adderall
I don't know what adderall 15mg Rx is, but I presume you are referring to adderall 15 XR, and yes it is. The XR in medications generally means extended release.
yes if they're adderall XR they're 10mg pills
unless you have depression, i dont think that the wellbutrin is needed. i got put on adderall xr and wellbutrin at first but they counteracted eachother. adderall should do the jobalone
No way....adderall is broke down immediately in the system where as the extended-release (xr) releases small amounts over a six hour period or so. I have taken both and adderall is alot more effective than xr! For the record, Adderall xr IS Adderall, lol. It has an integrated time release formula, combined with the capsule which supplements the time release. Instant release Adderall tablets have a faster onset, but their half life is significantly reduced from that of the XR. So in other words, technically yes, XRs are less potent according to dosage, but the effects are much shorter. In my personal opinion, 3 extended release Adderall has the equivalent affect of 2 instant releases, give or take a few mgs. If you take one 20mg XR, the kick will be that of a 10mg instant release.