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Only if the perspiration is caused by anxiety. Xanax is a prescription anti anxiety drug, with several notable side effects, but none are to inhibit normal perspiration.

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Q: Can Xanax help with severe perspiration?
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Is Xanax for the mentally ill?

Xanax is a highly addictive drug and should only be used extremely sparingly while under the care of a competent doctor. It is designed to help people who experience severe panic attacks. The down-side of the drug is that it is extremely difficult to stop taking.

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i dont take xanax i take 1 mg of diazepam twice a day, i dont take xanax

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Alprazolam (Xanax) is a highly addictive drug. Xanax also has severe and deadly withdrawal symptoms when stopping habitual use. Xanax is a Benzodiazepine drug and Benzodiazepine addicts typically have a shorter life expectancy than a normal person because of the destructive and dangerous nature of their addiction.

What is Xanax is used for?

Xanax is often misspelled Zanax, because the first X is pronounced as a Z. Xanax is an anti-anxiety drug. It is highly addictive.Xanax is often misspelled Zanax, but the first X is pronounced as a Z. Xanax is an anti-anxiety drug. It is highly addictive.

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It depends on how severe they are.

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The most important function of perspiration is to regulate body temperature by cooling the skin through evaporation. It also helps to remove waste products and toxins from the body. Additionally, perspiration can help to protect the skin from harmful bacteria and pathogens.

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What are some proven methods to help rid a person of armpit odor?

Armpit odor is caused by perspiration. The best method for eliminating armpit odor is to use proper hygiene. Bathing or showering daily and after strenuous activities will wash away the odor. Using anti-perspirant will aide in the prevention of the odor causing sweat. There are also medical interventions for people with severe armpit perspiration problems.