Viagra can trigger Migraine and cause headache in certain individuals, and is listed as one of the side effects that is common with the drug.
No..That is absurd.It could cause a terrible infection.
No. This drug does no cause thrush.
No. That would not be a typical reaction. Viagra is in no way connected to eye floaters. There can be serious side effects causing vision loss, but not floaters.
Yes they can I have really bad sinus problems and I always get earaches and headaches
Yes, But its worth it ae (;
It does for me. Severe, and during sex.
can you take Viagra and also take methadone
If you give a fish viagra, most likely it will not eat it cause it cannot consume it. But if it can consume it, it will D I E!
Many cases of earaches result from congestion. A decongestant can help. If that has no effect, you may need to see a medical professional.
Sweet oil will not cause any pain in the ears. As a child, I had earaches often. My Mom put warm sweet oil in my ears all the time for earaches.
Earaches may be caused by problems in the Ear or referred pain from the throat. The most common causes are infection, wax, foreign bodies, tonsillitis leading to middle ear infection which can cause perforation of the ear drum. Medical check up by your local doctor is recommended
This is a very dangerous combination. Marijuana is a relaxant and Viagra is a stimulant. Smoking marijuana will cause the erection problems, so if you want to take Viagra, you should quit smoking pot altogether.