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Q: Can Purbac be used for absess in the mouth?
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Is a tooth absess a bacterial infection?

Yes, a tooth abscess is a bacterial infection. You have many species of bacteria in your mouth and this is the cause of one of those abscess.

What is purbac used for?

Purbac is a combination antibiotic medicine that is used to treat various bacterial infections in the body, such as respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, skin infections, and sexually transmitted infections. It works by killing or stopping the growth of the bacteria causing the infection. It is important to take the medication as prescribed by a healthcare provider.

Could a lump on the gums that swells and retreats from time to time be cancer?

It may be an absess. See a dentist because you can get sick from an absess.

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Can i take azithromycin for an absess?

Ask your doctor.

Risen bump on inside of your leg?

Possibly an absess. My friend has a recurrent one. You can either have it drained, or let it pop. However double check it is an absess by visiting your doctor

Can you bring the swelling down on a absess?

Only by using antibiotics.

What can you do to open your mouth fully after taking your wisdom teeth out?

You may have had an infection or absess develope. That is what happened to me. Get in touch with your dentist. If they were packed they may need to be cleaned out and an anti-biotic & pain killer prescribed. DO NOT WAIT!! Oral infections can spread throught your body and land you in the hospital!

What does it mean if you have an absess on your back and green stuff is coming out of it?

it means you are very ill

I have a yearly re-ocurring lump in the roof of mouth that ruptures green mucus?

If the mucous taste bitter and awful then you most definatley see your dentist as it sounds very similar to an infection called an absess. Your dentist will x-ray the area and determine how it was caused.

What causes knots right above the hoof of a horse?

that is most likey a absess in its foot.