Yes for sure but it depends on the strength you're taking and if it's every day. If you're on a low dose and use only as needed you'll be fine, but if you're taking multiple tablets a day reagardless of the dose you will get constapated and it's terrible. Drink plenty of fluids and if you use Miralax, Colace, or a simple stool softener you should be totally fine. For me I only had to use the Miralax once a day and it worked great. If you're taking a low dosage then use one of the others. Plus these medications are all cheap, OTC and don't have any side effects.
can percocet cause a false positive for pcp
No taking 5or6 percocet will have affects on you , may cause depression.
no he had a heart attack
the guy who had constapation in space
i don't know how to resolve the constapation song
I'm taking percocet 10's right now, and I can't get hard. I think its cause its lowers your blood pressure and relaxs and numbs you too much
He died of constapation after he stabbed himself he was extremely depressed
Melting or constapation.
no, i have taken them both together before
No, Percocet is a painkiller.
Maybe. It can cause respitory depression which can aid pneumonia to gain a foot hold. It will not cause pneumonia in itself.
He had constapation and was therefore unable to produce fece.