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Naproxen is a member of a class of drugs called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs. This drug, like others in its class is used to treat pain, inflammation and fever. NSAIDs like naproxen work by reducing postglandin levels in the body. Postglandins are chemicals that cause the fever, discomfort and inflammation. While this drug can be quite effective for this purpose, there is a connection between naproxen and heartburn.

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Q: Can Naproxen cause heartburn if taken at night?
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Does Naproxen have to be taken as course or just when pain starts?

I have read that Naproxen could be taken as both, but in general at the first sign of pain take Naproxen immediately.

Can naproxen sodium cause herpes to develop more often?

I'm not an expert, but I can attest to the fact that whenever I have taken naproxen sodium, it causes a herpes outbreak. I have since completely stopped taking it.

Can ultram be taken with over the counter pain killers?

Do not take with asprin, it can cause bleeding ulcers. Take Naproxen Sodium (aka Alieve) they don't counteract each other and have virtually no adverse side effects (unless too much naproxen has been taken).

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Can Naproxen be used to treat migraines?

Naproxen can be used to treat migraines. It is an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) like ibuprofen and toradol. It also helps prevent the release of prostaglandins, which can cause pain of all forms. Naproxen can be used to help prevent menstrual migraine when taken consistently for a few days prior to the menstrual cycle.

Is it safe to take naproxen and apapcodeine300 together?

No, you do not take two pain medications together. You need to separate these by at least 4-6hours, and the naproxen can only be taken twice a day. Overdosing on pain medication can cause confusion, hallucinations, and trouble breathing. You might even pass out.

Can you take naproxen with a muscle relaxer?

Yes, naproxen (naprosyn or alleve) can be taken in conjunction with muscle relaxants (Flexiril) to achieve a more effective dissolution of pain

Can you take naproxen after taking tramadol 4 hours earlier?

No, you do not want to mix two anti-inflammatory medications. These are hard on the stomach and can cause internal bleeding if you overdose on them. Naproxen should be taken every twelve hours, so you can take something else after 10 hours. Indomethacin should be taken every 8 hours, so you can take something else after 6 hours.

Why is Depakote taken at night?

It is not always taken at night. Some people take it in the morning, or if taking a non-extended release form, twice per day. One reason it is commonly taken at bedtime is because it can cause drowsiness.

Can you take citalopram and naproxen?

No there is a moderate interaction between the two and should never be taken together

Is it OK to take Aleve with amoxicillin?

Yes, naproxen (Aleve / Naprosyn) can be taken with amoxicillin if needed. However, make sure you take the naproxen with food to avoid stomach side effects.

Can you take naproxen flexeril Klonopin and lamictal together?

While the official stance is that the two drugs can be taken together, you might not want to. COX 2 drugs such as naproxen can block the action of Ativan, which can cause you to have withdrawal symptoms.