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Oh, yeah, I am having it. I am even throwing things and having what I describe as an 'adult temper tantrum'. This is almost like the week before I start. I wish it would hurry up and go away - I am into week 4 of being lexapro-free.

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14y ago

I am currently going through lexapro withdrawals and I have been very bitter and angry. Some of it has to do with the reason I was taking the Lexapro in the first place, but I think most of it is the actual withdrawals.

You should talk with your doctor if the anger gets really bad or persists.

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15y ago

Yes. I am experiencing it right now as I'm weaning off of my lexapro.

More symptoms here:

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Can Lexapro withdrawal cause hives or rashes?

It sounds like your having an allergic reaction to Lexapro.

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Probably 'cause they don't want to get sued.

Can Lexapro cause permanent brain damage?

No, but it sometimes can take up to a year for withdrawal effects to go away.

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there is no physical withdrawal, but there is mental one that can cause irritability ad difficulty sleeping.

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Xanax can be prescribed by your doctor alongside lexapro and taking them at the same time is okay. I am on Lexapro and take Xanex for occasional bouts of anxiety or panic attacks. However, weening yourself off Lexapro with Xanex is probably not the best idea. If you are having withdrawal from Lexapro you should probably go back on it.

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Does Lexapro cause redness under the eyes?

Lexapro cannot cause eye infections. Like any medication, lexapro may cause puffy eyelids, but it is unlikely to do so.

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I have been on Lexapro for about a month now. My weight is ballooning. I want to come off of it before the withdrawal get to bad. Does the time you are on lexapro coincide with the amount of withdrawl problems? The problem is, I feel great taking the lexapro, but, can't handle the side effect

Will restarting Lexapro after 7-10 days without it stop the withdrawal symptoms and if so when?

I attempted to stop taking Lexapro a few months ago, after 6 days of the withdrawal symptoms I went right back on it. The symptoms stopped by the 2nd day and I felt like myself again. Lexapro works wonders with depression but wreaks havoc with it's discontinuation syndrom!

How soon after stopping lexapro do withdrawal symptoms kick in?

Simply put - anywhere from 8hours to 14 days.

How do you know when you took too much Lexapro?

Do not stop Lexapro without first talking to your healthcare provider. Stopping Lexapro too quickly may cause serious symptoms including: anxiety, irritability, high or low mood, feeling restless or changes in sleep habits headache, sweating, nausea, dizziness electric shock-like sensations, shaking and confusion