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I am not a physican of any sort but I am also allergic to morphine. When I had lung surgery I was given morphine and I broke out in a real bad rash and hives. A couple years later I was in a pretty bad car accident and was prescribed percocet. Since then I have been prescribed it on 3 other occasions over the years and every time I take the percocet I have no problems at all with it. With that said, I would say that you can take percocet if your allergic to morphine. I hope that helps, but of course I would speak with a Dr first before anything.

I am also not a physician or anything for that matter but i'd just like to add to this.

I have an allergic reaction to morphine and have tried numerous other medications and i was prescribed Oxycontin which is i think what your referring to as percocet or the same family and i have the exact same side effects. My skin feels like its crawling and is that itchy i want to scratch it off. I also get bad nausea and dizziness.

Just thought i'd add this for others to read

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