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Yes, it can but it isn't considered to be severe.

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Q: Can Dilaudid cause profuse sweating
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What are example sentences using the word profuse?

I am sweating profusely That is a profuse amount of garbage That person ate a profuse amount of food

Why does pain cause profuse sweating?

Pain causes anxiety and blood pressure changes. One of the natural reactions to either of these is the activation of sweat glands.

Is diaphoresis also known as heat rash?

No, diaphoresis means profuse sweating.

Why is profuse sweating on a hot day a potential problem?

Profuse sweating on a hot day can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, which can cause symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, and even heat stroke. It is important to stay hydrated and take breaks in a cool environment to prevent these issues.

Treatments for Diverticulitis ?

Diverticulitis is not a fun thing to have, it can cause many symptoms. You can experience fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea with or without blood, pain in the abdomen as well as profuse sweating.

Which term describes the occasionally normal condition of profuse sweating?

Diaphoresis is profuse sweating, and usually describes an acute condition. Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for the chronic condition of excessive sweating.

What is a potentially serious consequence of profuse sweating?

A potentially serious consequence of profuse sweating is dehydration, as excessive fluid loss can lead to electrolyte imbalances and a decreased blood volume, which may result in dizziness, weakness, and even heat exhaustion or heat stroke if not properly managed. It is important to replenish lost fluids and electrolytes through proper hydration and, if needed, medical intervention.

What are the characteristics of a Goliath tarantula?

A tarantula's venom, including that of the Goliath, is usually not lethal to humans, although the Goliath's bite with its one-inch-long fangs can cause severe pain, nausea, and profuse sweating.

Is diaphoresis a synonym of sudoresis?

Yes, diaphoresis and sudoresis are synonyms that both refer to excessive sweating. Both terms are used in medical contexts to describe the same phenomenon of profuse sweating.

Would sweating profusely mean a infection?

Profuse sweating could mean infection, hormonal problem, heart attack, drug withdrawal, or a host of other conditions. Talk to your health care provider for a full evaluation of your symptoms.

Does Dilaudid cause colored stools?

No, but it will make you constipated.

What are the sign of people taking ecstasy?

the anitial signs of someone taking ectasy are definitely dilated pupils, profuse sweating, unusual touching, teeth grinding, and alertness.