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I wouldn't suggest it at all. Just from personal experience, I developed a moderate case of serotonin syndrome while weening myself off Lexapro to switch to Cymbalta. Had I taken my regular dosage of Lexapro (20mg) with the 20mg of Cymbalta, I probably would have ended up in the ER.

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Q: Can Cymbalta be taken with lexapro without developing serotonin syndrome?
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Do you have to wean off lexapro to start taking Cymbalta?

Cymbalta is an SNRI, meaning it increases both serotonin and norepinephrine, while lexapro is an SSRI, meaning it increases only serotonin. These drugs that inhibit the reuptake of neurotransmitters MUST BE SWITCHED GRADUALLY. If switching from cymbalta to lexapro, the physician should induce a "step-down" therapy on the cymbalta while inducing a "step-up" therapy on lexapro. This ensures a level amount of drug in the blood, and minimizes the chance of recurrence and adverse effects.

How does lexapro and Wellbutrin work together?

My psychiatrist prescribed both at once.AnswerNo they should not be taken together why not?Cymbalta and Lexapro have SIMILAR BUT NOT EXACTLY THE SAME mechanism of action [MEANING: these active ingredients illicit the same response and the enzymes attach to the same receptors (receivers) that prevents the serotinin from leaving the brain]. Cymbalta is an SNRI (Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor) and Lexapro an SSRI (Selective-Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor). Serotonin is "BELIEVED" (not certain) to lack from people who are clinically depressed and norepi has "significant" correlation with depression as well (LOW NOREPI in the brain results to DEPRESSION). Cymbalta and Lexapro both have positive responses in preventing the escape of SEROTONIN from the brain. The only difference is Cymbalta also inhibits/stops the escape of norepi from the brain and Lexapro ONLY prevents serotonin reuptake (removal from brain receptors). The probability of an overdose from these antidepressants is extremely high and can lead to 'serotonin syndrome; too much serotonin which can be fatal (nausea,coma then death). Because both drugs are preventing serotonin from leaving the brain and therefore an accumulation of serotonin in the brain receptors. Only your MD can determin the OPTIMUM strength (the highest strength of the meds. to achieve therapeutic goals without being toxic) of antidepressants. ALSO, if your MD can justify why he's giving you both meds to the insurance, it will be covered by insurance. This will definitely be reviewed prior to approval of claim. These types of drug interactions alerts your insurance and stops them from paying the claim. You may end up paying for either or both your meds out of pocket.

What is the difference between zoloft and Cymbalta?

Cymbalta is an antidepressant that is in the class of serotonin and norepinephrine inhibitor. Wellbutrin is also an antidepressant, but in the class of dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors.

How do you stop Wellbutrin XL and start Lexapro?

I recently switched from Cymbalta to Welbutrin. Cymbalta is similar to Lexapro. I started the transition by halving my Cymbalta dose while starting Welbutrin. This went on for a week, then I discontinued the Cymbalta and took only Welbutrin. Of course, the best answer to this question is to follow your doctor's orders.

Can you mix ephedrine and lexapro?

Serotonin syndrome is possible if you abuse cough syrup while on Lexapro. But stick to te recommended dose for a short period of time and you'll be fine. Source: I have been on Lexapro 20mg for 3 months and used Benadryl on it

Can you take alka seltzer plus with lexapro?

It is generally not recommended to take Alka-Seltzer Plus with Lexapro, as the combination may increase the risk of serotonin syndrome. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before combining these medications.

Is it possible for Adderall and Lexapro to counteract with each other?

In most cases yes it is safe to take this combination. Manytimes doctors use these in combination, because Adderall has a tendency to deplete the body's supply of serotonin. With that said Lexapro is ideal, since it is cleaner than many of the other antidepressants. In any event, caution should still be used, because combining the two drugs increases the risk of Serotonin Syndrome. Also, this syndrome will generally not develop right when you start but weeks after Lexapro has taken its full effect. Here's why. Adderall causes your body to product more Serotonin. Once your body adjusts to the Adderall your body begins to produce less Serotonin and in some cases less than you did before. The benefit of Lexapro is that it blocks the reuptake of Serotonin, so when your body produces Serotonin it stays in the synapse and continues to work. When an individual is just relying on their natural serotonin, SSRI antipredesants are not known to cause any problems, however, because Adderall is adding to the effect of the Lexapro and the Lexapro is blocking the metabolism of Serotonin, you may end up with Serotonin Syndrome. The good news is this condition, while potentially deadly, it is very rarely deadly. In fact, you will usually just feel really irritable and icky generally before things get serious. When this happens, be sure to consult a doctor. The doctor will likely recommend that you temporarily and/or permanently reduce dosage based on the situation.

Can Lexapro and Pristiq be taken together?

Pristiq, which contains desvenlafaxine, is an antidepressant that affects the serotonin levels in the brain. Lexapro, being an SSRI, also affects your serotonin levels.You should consult with a medical professional before you attempt to take these drugs at the same time.

Taking 20 mg of lexapro for 2 years but having fatigue dr recommended switching from lexapro to 30 mg of Cymbalta for 2 weeks and then 60 mg has anyone switched and what was your experience?

I switched from 10mg lexapro to 30 mg cymbalta for 2 wk and then 60 mg. Have had good results. For one thing I quit gaining weight, as I did on lexapro. Cymbalta also helped my muscle aches and pains as an added plus.

Is it safe to take lithium carbonate with Lexapro?

It is generally safe to take lithium carbonate and Lexapro together, as they work in different ways. However, it is important to closely monitor for any signs of serotonin syndrome, a rare but serious condition that can occur when taking two medications that increase serotonin levels. Regular monitoring by a healthcare provider is recommended when combining these medications.