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Q: Can Adderall xr in high dosage cause euphoria?
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Does methadone make you look or act high?

No. Methadone does not cause euphoria itself when used as prescribed.

Is 40 mg of Adderall too high of a dosage to take on the first day?

Depends on your weight and the purpose of it. Generally I would say yes but that is a discussion to have with your doctor.

What are the side effects of stopping Adderall XL all at once?

Do you mean Adderall XR?Adderall XR has a lot of side effects if you stop cold turkey. The amount and severity of your side effects depends on how long you have been on Adderall XR and the dosage. Higher dosage with longer treatment time means more severe side effects.Since Adderall is a stimulant, most individuals feel lethargic and tired after quitting Adderall. Others will sleep for hours on end. Some will have digestive issues as well as depression.Most doctors will not recommend you stopping Adderall cold turkey, especially if your dosage is high. Most will take a stepping down approach where your dosage is slowly decreased over time.

Can taking Adderall and ecstasy be deadly?

Both are stimulants and both are amphetamines. Adding Adderall (basically speed) to ecstasy is not safe and is definitely not recommended. This could potentially lead to death, especially if the dosage of either one or both of the drugs is high.

Can a high dosage of codeine cause a positive result for THC?

no codeine is an opiod not a cannaboid

How much adderall dose for a 250 pound man?

That's a question for your doctor. If you don't have one, you shouldn't be taking it. Adderall is a controlled substance for a reason. It's highly addictive when abused, and can cause cardiac arrest or stroke. If you're hooked on a particular drug--or just on the need to get high--get help. Playing around with this stuff will kill you.

Can the drug metronidazole can it effect a male's sperm?

yes it does cause infetility as well in high dosage

Can Adderall cause your heart to race?

Yes; Adderall contains amphetamine which can cause adverse cardiac events such as racing heart, high blood pressure, and cause sudden death in those with heart defects. Consult your doctor and discontinue use. Seek immediate medical attention if you begin to have any chest pain.

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What are the effects on the body from dextromethorphan?

Answers: High doses cause music euphoria. Also cause hallucinations, and separation from reality, lost train of thought, slurred speech, rubberband like feeling, and disoriented movement.

Does adderall make you starter?

Do not take Adderall if you have heart disease, hardening of your arteries, high blood pressure.

Can lomatium cause side effects?

Although lomatium is generally believed to be safe, the herb has been reported to cause a skin rash. A high dosage of the herb may result in nausea.