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It's important to remember that your chances of having a normal, healthy child are excellent - greater than 90%.

Women who need to take more than one anti-seizure medication - have a slightly higher chance of having a baby with a birth defect. This is thought to be caused by the multiple drugs, but because of the complexity of these types of epilepsy it is impossible to remove all the medications to determine the definitive cause and effect.

Seizures can cause a brain injury, due to lack of oxygen to the placenta during the seizure. Some anti-seizure medications can cause birth defects and should be used with extreme caution during childbearing years, there are other medications that can be substituted in some cases (but not all). As with everything the risk has to balanced by the need.

Be sure to wear an obvious medical alert charm for seizures and pregnancy, in the event of unconsciousness it will alert emergency medical personnel to both conditions - so appropriate care is given. It is imperative to notify the nursing staff when you check into the Labor and Delivery Unit - Yes, this information should be in your medical chart, prepared by your doctor and waiting for your arrival - Just don't take the chance that it was missed by busy nurses.

If possible plan ahead, prior to trying to conceive, talk through any potential concerns with your neurologist and your OB/GYN so you can explore your choices and make the best decisions for you and your growing family. Start taking prescription strength Folic Acid (Vitamin B) 3 mos prior to attempting to conceive and for the first trimester.

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Fetus will have decrease oxygenation.

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