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The really nasty stuff should be over in a week but the cravings, itches, and sweats can last much longer.

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Q: Been using opiates for ten years how long will withdrawal last?
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Is suboxone a good thing to use temporary to relieve withdrawal symptoms from opiates such as vicodin and percocet?

Yes, Suboxone (buprenorphine) has been successfully used as a detoxification protocol to wean patients from opiate usage while minimizing withdrawal symptoms. Its molecules have a similar affinity for the same receptors as opiates but cause a less strong addictive potential, thus blocking the opiates and down-regulating the receptors for withdrawal. It may be used alone, or in combination with benzodiazepines (as Ativan, Xanax) or clonidine.

How long it take for opiates to get out your system?

I've been on MS contin for 10 years now and know the opiates in it can remain in your system anywhere from 15 days to a month.

How do you get off Percocet 10325?

Most opiate addiction can be reversed using methadone as an interim agent to reduce withdrawal symptoms as the opiates are slowly decreased in a stepwise fashion. Alternatively, decreasing taper doses of benzodiazepines (like Ativan or Xanax) along with clonidine (to reduce physical symptoms of withdrawal) have been utilized with significant success. Both are done under medically supervised monitoring protocols.

What is meant by withdrawal symptoms?

Withdrawal symptoms: Abnormal physical or psychological features that follow the abrupt discontinuation of a drug that has the capability of producing physical dependence. For example, common opiates withdrawal symptoms include sweating, goosebumps, vomiting, anxiety, insomnia, and muscle pain.

How long do Dilaudid with drawls last?

Withdrawal periods and intensity from short acting opiates like Dilaudid (hydromorphone hydrocloride) depend on individual body chemistry, dose and duration of use, as well as other factors. But if you have been using a significant dose for months or more... the acute withdrawal upon stopping cold turkey will generally last about a week, peaking somewhere around days 2-4. Following acute withdrawal will be from weeks to months of increased lethargy until your system fully normalizes. Withdrawal symptoms can be minimized if you are able to slowly taper off the drug.

Can you die from Opiate withdrawals?

No. Deaths from withdrawal usually occur after someone has been detoxing for 2-3 days and go back and take there usual dose of opiates. System overload (overdose).

Can you use suboxone for 5 days just to get through the withdrawals of hydrocodone?

dude you seriously do not need to take hydro if you've been off subs for 5 days. congrats for making it this far. if you must you can take it whenever you want. i agree with the above statement....if you have been off the subs for 5 days you dont need anything......just hang in there and good luck on your road to recovery

What is saboxin?

saboxin is a drug used to help with getting off of opiates and the withdrawls. i have a friend who has been highly addicted to opiates for many years who is now taking saboxin and very pleased with the results .

How long does Ritalin withdrawal last for?

Years, I've had withdrawals for over 2 years. Addendum I still get them, its been 10 years since i last took one.

How do you prepare a 5 Mg Percocet for iv?

You don't that's how. I have been clean for 2 years from all opiates and I would strongly suggest that everyone NOT do THIS

If I drug tested someone who said they were on vicodin and it came out positive for opiates does this mean they could or could not have been taking something else?

Yes they could have been on almost any other opiate. However taking vicoden or some other Hydrocodone mix is very common compared to using most other opiates.

Can you get treatment with methadone for heroin or other opiate dependence while pregnant?

Yes. In fact, pregnant women who have been heroin dependent are often considered first priority, as methadone will not only stabilize them, but will also not allow the fetus to go through abrupt withdrawal from opiates.