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All drugs will alter your urine

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Q: Are there any prescribed drugs that may alter a urine drug test?
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If you bleach your urine well it be clean?

Bleaching urine will not clean it or alter any drug or substance content. The best way to ensure clean urine is to not consume drugs or substances that can be detected in urine tests. Trying to alter urine samples can have serious legal consequences.

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What are examples of drug that can be used to acidify urine?

Common drugs that can be used to acidify urine include ammonium chloride and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). These drugs are often prescribed to help prevent the formation of certain types of kidney stones and to enhance the elimination of certain drugs that are excreted in the urine.

What are non prescribed drugs?

A non prescribed drug is a drug you buy at a street corner. It's also a drug that a doctor didn't prescribe to you.

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What is oxident activity in a drug test?

When Oxidant is reported on a urine drug screen, it means the urine has been tampered with to try and alter the results.

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What presciption drugs will show as opiates in a urine drug test?

All opiate drugs...

What drugs are tested for in a urine drug test?

...Really? You asked that? I'm pretty sure in a urine DRUG test, they are looking for DRUGS. Weed, Meth, Opiates, and Cocaine

How do you produce clean urine for a drug test?

Don't do drugs.

How do you clean out for a urine drug test?

Don't take drugs.

How to clean your urine for drug test?

Don't take drugs