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Yes, you have a few options that help with night blindness. You can get special driving glasses, the lenses can be gradient tinted which lets the driver filter out the glare. You can also wear eyeglasses with a circle of black tape on the inside of the lens of the affected eye.

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Q: Are there any eyeglass lenses that help with night blindness?
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The type of eyeglasses that correct myopia are called concave lenses, in other words, the center of the glasses are thinner than the outer part.

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Lenses can help people to see better. Lenses are needed in telescopes for astronomers to see distant things in the night sky.

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There is a possibility of curing night blindness with fish liver oil. This is mainly due to the fact that fish liver oil is rich in vitamin A.

Can night blindness be reversed?

There are many different kinds and treatments vary Night blindness is a rare disease, which affects about less than 200,000 people in the United States of America. It is a unique vision loss disease, which has many causes. This article will talk about night blindness treatment, symptoms and its causes. What is Night Blindness? Night blindness, also known as Nyctalopia is an inability to see clearly during night or in poor light. It is a disease which makes it difficult for the affected person to move around or drive around in the evening and night, as the vision either becomes unclear or simply impaired. It is a serious type of vision loss, that may be acquired or present from birth. Night blindness itself is a symptom of a much serious underlying medical problem. Symptoms of Night Blindness The way to identify a disease is through its symptoms. Some diseases have unique symptoms, which make it easy to spot and identify them. Some have ambiguous symptoms, which make it difficult to identify them. Night blindness is an eye problem which is not hard to spot, due to its unique symptoms. Here are some of the night blindness symptoms observed in affected patients: As mentioned before, a major symptom is poor or blurred vision, in low lit areas or during and after evening time. One more symptom is prolonged vision loss after exposure to bright light. The night blindness phases may be transient or may be getting gradually prolonged. Persistent dry eyes is another symptom of this disease. Night Blindness Treatment Methods According to Causes Now that we know the symptoms of night blindness, let us see the reasons behind this vision crippling condition, that renders a person temporarily blind. Night blindness, like the tip of an iceberg, can be a sign of a much more dangerous underlying medical condition. The causes are varied and therefore, night blindness treatment also differs accordingly. Here I list the various causes of night blindness, along with the related treatment methods. Night Blindness Cause #1: Myopia Myopia, that is nearsightedness can be one cause of night blindness. Nearsightedness is caused by the elongation of the eyeballs, which makes it difficult to see things at a distance, due to the focus mismatch on the retina. This makes distant objects appear blurred and cause vision impairment in low lit areas. Myopic Night Blindness Treatment Myopic night blindness might be cured by the use of corrective glasses or lenses. In some cases, refractive surgery might be required. Night Blindness Cause #2: Glaucoma Medications Glaucoma is a disease which causes pressure build up on the eyes, eventually causing blindness as it affects the optic nerve. Glaucoma medications, can cause constriction of the pupils in the eyes, which may lead to night blindness. Pupils are the apertures of our eye lenses and their constriction reduces the amount of light that can be taken in, which reduces visibility, causing night blindness. Glaucoma Medication Induced Night Blindness Treatment The switching of glaucoma medicines may help in treating night blindness of this type. Night Blindness Cause #3: Cataracts Cataract is one problem which can cause night blindness. Cataract involves the progressive clouding of the eye lens, making it opaque and impairing vision. Cataract Induced Night Blindness Treatment Cataract induced night blindness may be treated by cataract surgeries, which can completely cure the problem. Night Blindness Cause #4: Retinitis Pigmentosa Retinitis Pigmentosa is a genetic disease, whose onset is declared by the condition of night blindness. As the disease progresses, the victim loses vision all together. Retinitis Pigmentosa Induced Night Blindness Treatment This condition is not completely curable yet but the rate of progression of this disease can be reduced by intake of vitamin A supplements and surgeries. Complete cure has not yet been found. Though future developments like retinal transplants may help in curing this problem completely. Night Blindness Cause #5: Vitamin A Deficiency Vitamin A deficiency is one of the prime causes of night blindness. Vitamin A Deficiency Induced Night Blindness Treatment The treatment for this type of night blindness is a regular intake of vitamin A. Progressive intake of vitamin A rich foods and supplements can cure this condition. Read more on Vitamin A Deficiency Symptoms Food Sources of Vitamin A Night Blindness Cause #6: Diabetes Night blindness can be a result of excessively high blood glucose levels, caused by a diabetic condition. Vision loss is a major symptom of severe diabetes. Diabetes Induced Night Blindness Treatment Early detection of diabetic condition and treatment methods like insulin injections, can reduce the severity of diabetes. This will reduce the possibility of further deterioration of vision. The treatment involves use of eyeglasses and in severe cases, some surgery might be required. There are many more causes of night blindness but they are rare. One other rare genetic problem leading to night blindness is X-linked congenital stationary night blindness, which is an incurable condition. As one can see, night blindness treatment is possible in most cases, except the genetic disorders. The probability of guaranteed cure is more with early diagnosis of the condition. Hope I helped Sources: medical websites

How can carrots help to your body?

Carrots contains Carotene which is the source of Vit-A helps to prevent night blindness.

Are there glasses or contacts for color blindness?

I do not believe color blindness is correctable with any type of lens. It is caused by the absence/malfunction of the proper structure (cones) within the eye to detect certain wavelengths of light and thus, certain colors. Red lenses will help with the test for color blindness.

What is the meaning of the German word optiker?

The German word "optiker" translates into English as "optician" either singular or plural. This includes people who make glasses, contact lenses and related products to help people with their vision problems.

Are night vision goggles convex or concave?

Night vision goggles typically use convex lenses to gather and focus incoming light in order to improve visibility in low-light conditions. These lenses help to magnify the available light and provide a clearer image for the user.

How can I have my astigmatism corrected?

Contact lenses for correction of astigmatism are generally either gas permeable lenses, which are semi-hard lenses, or toric soft contacts. There is also a type called Orthokeratology lenses which are worn at night to help reshape the eye. Your Opthamologist will know they best type of you or if contacts are even the right way to go.

What is progressive lenses?

Progressive Lenses mostly used by for 35-40 age group people Progressive lenses look precisely the same as single vision lenses, but they are no-line multifocal eyeglass lenses. In simple words, progressive lenses are lenses that will help you see clearly at all distances. As people get old, the need for progressive lenses increases. By the age of 35 or 40, usually many people have difficulty focusing their eyes on nearby objects. To resolve this problem, some people wear single-vision eyeglasses for reading and seeing too close objects.