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Why don't you find someone who lost their feet, then ask them if they enjoy being crippled.

Im thinking that's a no.

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Q: Are real or prosthetic feet better?
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What are advantages and disadvantages of Oscar Pistorius having prosthetic feet?

An advantage of prosthetic feet is that his "cheetah" blades make him run significantly faster than normal prosthetic feet and regular athletes. A disadvantage, however, is that this prosthetic feet is a deterrent to able-bodied competitions, including the Olympics, because of the unfair advantage of using less energy and more speed than normal runners.

What a prosthetic?

Prosthetic is something that is fake. For example: Soldiers who have lost limbs during war can have prosthetic (fake) limbs which perform nearly the same as a real limb.

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No. That was a prosthetic created for the film.

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a prosthetic boot is a boot that is made up with parts of the prosthetic things to make a prosthetic boot. Plus you can wear a prosthetic boot

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Better biocompatibility

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A prosthetic limb or "prosthetic"

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Because they look real.

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A prosthetic orb is a glass eye.

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No. Suleka Mathew a.k.a. Bobbi only plays an amputee. She in real life has all her limbs.

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Prosthetic Records was created in 1998.

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Is Ken McCarthy Winter the Dolphin's real prosthetic doctor?

Yes, Ken McCarthy is a marine mammal veterinarian who specializes in prosthetics for animals, including Winter the Dolphin. He has been involved in Winter's care and treatment plan as her prosthetic doctor.