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Yes I think so.

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Q: Are mesquite thorns poisonous
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Can mesquite thorns get you high?

If you are in an airplane, they can be very high with you!

What do mesquite tree use to protect themselves?


What is mesquite grass?

Mesquite isn't a type of grass. It's a type of tree. Mesquite makes good BBQ wood. Other than that, the actual tree itself has thorns and a bluish gray moss like fungus growing on it.

Is there a tree with thorns?

Yes, there are several species of trees that have thorns, including honey locust, hawthorn, and acacia trees. Thorns can help protect the tree from grazing animals and can vary in size and sharpness.

Are accacia thorns poisonous?

Acacia thorns are not typically poisonous in the sense that they contain harmful toxins. However, their sharpness can cause wounds or injuries that may lead to infection if not properly treated. It is always recommended to handle plants with thorns carefully to avoid injuries.

Are the thorny devil spines poisonous?

No. The "thorns" of a thorny devil, though very sharp, are neither poisonous nor venomous.

Are date palm thorns poisonous?

Date palm thorns are not poisonous, but they can cause minor puncture wounds and irritation if they pierce the skin. It's important to clean and treat any wounds caused by date palm thorns to prevent infection.

Are osage orange thorns poisonous?

No, osage orange thorns are not poisonous. Arborists and horticulturalists do not find any part of the deciduous tree in question (Maclura pomifera) toxic. As with any injury, severe wounds from osage orange thorns nevertheless may turn into infections if not cleaned regularly and monitored properly.

Are sea star poisonous?

There is at least one venomous species called the crown of thorns and has poison spikes. Search images to see one.

Is thorn of Christ a poisonous plant?

There is no plant known as the "thorn of Christ." The phrase may refer symbolically to the crown of thorns placed on Jesus' head during his crucifixion in Christian tradition.

What is found in sandy soil and has thorns?

Cacti grow in sandy soil and have thorns.Another Answer:In North American Deserts, such plants as white thorn acacia, cat claw acacia, mesquite and ocotillo have thorns and grow in sandy soil. Cacti have spines and grow in sandy soil.

Are rose thorns poisonous?

not poisonous so to speak, but are very dirty, and tip tends to break off while the rest is extracted via tweezers. Soreness , swelling etc best combated by salt water soaks, and neosporin wraps