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NO. They are antibiotics.

anti = against; and bio = life.

Therefore antibiotics kill bacteria etc.

(Indirectly, antibiotics may contribute to pain relief if the pain is caused by the types of infection resulting from those germs which antibiotics kill. However, antibiotics should never be taken as a direct painkiller. Rather, one should take them to fight germs when one has become infected; but only after ascertaining that antibiotics are needed and will help. A doctor should be consulted. Taking antibiotics for too long, or when not needed, can have unwanted consequences.)

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pain killers help control pain levels in the body, and antibiotics help your body fight off infection.

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No. Are you?

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Is it safe to take narcotic pain killers while taking amoxicillin?

Yes. Answer There is no reason that taking amoxicillin would prevent you from taking any type of pain killers. However, you may have sensitivities to the pain killers that are independent of Antibiotic use. I would advise speaking to the doctor who prescribed you the pain killers if you are concerned.