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No. It takes many times more salvia leaves to produce the effect that an extract would.

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Q: Are Salvia leaves as effective as extract?
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Do salvia leaves make you trip or does the extract?

Salvia divinorum is the only species in the genus Salvia which contains salvinorins, the active compounds that produce a hallucinogenic effect. The leaves of S. divinorum could be used to trip, although one would need to use a much larger quantity than for the extract. The extract is simply the isolated and concentrated salvinorins (along with other compounds). Because the extract is more potent, it is generally much easier to get an effect from the extract, although it is certainly possible with simply the leaves (for example, a large quantity of leaves chewed as a quid).

What is the difference between salvia extract and salvia foliage?

Salvia extracts is a mix of dry smashed Salvia Divinorum leaves mixed with a concentrated amount of Salvinorin-A, depending on the amount of Salvinorin-A you put on a gram of smashed dry leaves, it's the strength you get (5X 10X etc.)

What do you do with salvia divinorum extract?

smoke it

What types of salvia can be smoked?

Salvia divinorum is generally sold either in dried leaves (fresh leaves are rarely sold) or in the form of extract. Dried leaves vary tremendously in strength. Many people also find it difficult to get satisfactory effects from plain dried leaves, because the quantity that has to be taken at once is quite large. When you want to use Salvia following the quid method, you will need leaves Many people prefer using extracts. Better results are obtained more easily, because less material needs to be smoked or ingested. In general, the effects are also stronger. Extracts can be very powerful and should be used with caution: there is a risk of using too large a dose. Extracts come in two varieties: * Crude extract: often followed by an x (5x, 10x etc.). This type of extract is made by mixing a crude salvia extract with salvia leaves. 5x means: the extract obtained from four units of crude salvia extract, mixed with 1 unit of leaves. This product can vary a lot in potency, because the potency of the leaves varies as well. It is also rather unpleasant to smoke. * Standardized extracts: a standardized extract is one in which the active compound - in this case salvinorin A - is extracted from the plant and purified and then redeposited back onto the dried leaves. A standardized extract contains pure crystalline salvinorin A, a very rare compound that few people have ever seen and even fewer people have ever produced. It takes a fair amount of chemistry knowledge and skill to produce pure salvinorin A, so a standardized extract may cost a little more, but it is well worth its money. Salvia extracts generally come in 5x, 10x and 20x concentrations (although other concentrations have been reported). This indicates how many times more potent it is than ordinary dried leaves. Be very careful when using extracts: a single hit of extract may be enough at any of these concentrations.It is not advised to try to produce your own extracts, as it involves working with solvents. If you do not have any experience with it, you may risk poisoning yourself or others. Moreover, most solvents are highly flammable. An experimental method for the extraction of pure salvinorin

Do the flowers of salvia contain the extract?

nope nor the seeds

Does salvia come in different strengths?

Yes It does, the higher the extract the higher it will get you

How much salvia should you take for first time and What strength I'm 120lbs and I was thinkng 20x?

I wouldn't even recommend the 10X extract. Beginners should start with the non-extract plain dried leaf Salvia Divinorum. I would recommend chewing the leaves for at least half an hour first. Smoke it later. Lastly, do not take any Salvia Divinorum at all if you're trying to get high or if you're immature. It is a sacred herb used for spiritual purposes. Use it with respect.

What is the price of 10x salvia extract?

Depends on the vendor, between 20 and 30 dollars.

What is the drug sylvia made from?

It is a plant extract from the common wild flower Salvia Divinorium.

Do salvia leaves need to be dry?

If Salvia divinorum leaves are going to be smoked, they need to be dried first. However, if they are going to be chewed, swallowed, or made into a tincture, they can still be wet.

What intensifies salvia?

You don't need to intensify salvia, and if you did for some reason want to then just buy stronger salvia. I've had 10x extract and regular old 40x the 10x extract had me tripping hard. I became a car and was driving through some old scenic road out west. The regular 40x i had a bad trip. However, smoking salvia while you're drunk does intensify the journey.

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