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Q: Anti-diarrheal pills and dicyclomine together
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Can you take ambien and dicyclomine together at the same time?

Yes you can

Can you take phentermine with dicyclomine?

When indicated, you can take both the drugs together.

Tylenol 3 and dicyclomine be taken together?

sure u can...there is no any interactions

What is dicyclomine 10 mg used for?

is dicyclomine a narcotic drug?

What is an antidiarrheal?

An antidiarrheic is an agent used to prevent or treat diarrhea.

What forms is dicyclomine available in?

Dicyclomine is available only with a prescription and is sold as capsules, tablets (regular and extended-release forms), and syrup.

What drug company makes dicyclomine?

Trying to find the company that makes Bentyl or the generic Dicyclomine. Need help with the medication for my daughter who has no insurance...

What precautions should be taken when using dicyclomine?

When using dicyclomine, it is important to follow your healthcare provider's instructions carefully. Avoid consuming alcohol while on dicyclomine as it may enhance drowsiness or other side effects. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery until you know how dicyclomine affects you. Be cautious in extreme heat as dicyclomine may affect your body's ability to regulate temperature.

What happens if you snort dicyclomine?

it hurts... alot

Which opioid analgesic can be used as antidiarrheal agent?

diphenoxylate, loperamide

What is the correct spelling of antidiarretic?

The correct spelling is antidiarrheal.

Can you take sleeping pills and arthritis steroid pills together?

You should consult with your GP/Doctor.