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Q: After smoking crystal-meth how until you will be able to pass urine drug test?
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If you were clean and then you smoked everyday for 5 days how long about until you will be able to pass a urine screen by the county?

Over a month.Just stop smoking so you don't have to worry about it.

Can I pass urine exam if I've stopped smoking for 3 weeks and I also took a detoxification as well during those weeks?

You can't always count on a detoxification product to work properly. If you stopped smoking three weeks ago and used the detox you should be able to pass the urine exam. I would drink about a gallon of water every day from now until the date of the exam just for safe measures.

Does the bladder stretch to hold your urine until you pee?

Yes it does. But it is only able to stretch so far until it is at risk of being damaged. At this point, nature will take over and force it to empty partially against your will.

What is able to cause a disease?

bacteria, smoking, and tanning

How can you use urine in a sentence?

Of course , why would you not be able to?

Does Ashley judd smoke?

Ashley Judd is an actress that has admitted to smoking and can be seen smoking. She no longer smokes anymore, she was able to quit.

How does parasympathetic stimutaion effect the bowel?

The parasympathetic effect on urination will be that of bladder stimulation and resultant voiding of urine. If this stimulation is ecessive it will result in the bladder not being able to hold the urine until voluntary voiding of the urine thus a clinical effect of urinary incontinet results because of lack of control of bladder contraction by the individual.

Are body fluids isotonic to cells?

Yes, body fluids are typically isotonic to cells, meaning they have the same concentration of solutes as the inside of the cells. This balance helps maintain proper cell function and prevents cells from shrinking or swelling due to osmotic changes. However, certain health conditions or imbalances can disrupt this equilibrium.

Can a labtell the difference between an 2 year olds urine and a 30 year olds urine?

The lab should be able to.

Did the Romans wash there cloths?

The Romans used urine to wash their clothing.Ê The ammonia contained in urine was able to bleach their clothing white.Ê Fullers had the duty to collect the urine for clothes washing.Ê

How to make electricity with the help of humans urine?

Urine-powered electricity generation typically involves using microbial fuel cells that contain bacteria that can break down the organic matter in urine to produce electricity. The bacteria's metabolic process releases electrons that can be harnessed to generate a small amount of electrical current. This technology is still in the experimental stage and not widely used for practical electricity generation.

Is the wood of a Thundercloud plum tree hardwood and able to be used for smoking meat in a smoker?

Fruit wood is good smoking wood, especially apple and plum.