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Easy! Next time you're on your ring-free week, insert the ring on Friday (two days early). There will be no decrease in effectiveness from this change. The important principle to remember is not to have a ring-free interval longer than 7 days.

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Q: After being on NuvaRing for 2 years with a Sunday start how do you change to a Friday start?
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In 2012 it is being played on the fourth Sunday of September instead of being on the third Sunday as it usually is. So in 2012 it is on Sunday the 23rd of September.In 2012 it is being played on the fourth Sunday of September instead of being on the third Sunday as it usually is. So in 2012 it is on Sunday the 23rd of September.In 2012 it is being played on the fourth Sunday of September instead of being on the third Sunday as it usually is. So in 2012 it is on Sunday the 23rd of September.In 2012 it is being played on the fourth Sunday of September instead of being on the third Sunday as it usually is. So in 2012 it is on Sunday the 23rd of September.In 2012 it is being played on the fourth Sunday of September instead of being on the third Sunday as it usually is. So in 2012 it is on Sunday the 23rd of September.In 2012 it is being played on the fourth Sunday of September instead of being on the third Sunday as it usually is. So in 2012 it is on Sunday the 23rd of September.In 2012 it is being played on the fourth Sunday of September instead of being on the third Sunday as it usually is. So in 2012 it is on Sunday the 23rd of September.In 2012 it is being played on the fourth Sunday of September instead of being on the third Sunday as it usually is. So in 2012 it is on Sunday the 23rd of September.In 2012 it is being played on the fourth Sunday of September instead of being on the third Sunday as it usually is. So in 2012 it is on Sunday the 23rd of September.In 2012 it is being played on the fourth Sunday of September instead of being on the third Sunday as it usually is. So in 2012 it is on Sunday the 23rd of September.In 2012 it is being played on the fourth Sunday of September instead of being on the third Sunday as it usually is. So in 2012 it is on Sunday the 23rd of September.

If Nuvaring makes you feel very sick can you remove it the next day if you have used the nuvaring during unprotected sex?

Answer 2:In order for the NuvaRing to be effective, you must use it the way it supposed to be used. You must NOT remove it the day after having unprotected sex. If it does not stay in for the entire three weeks after you put it in, it is NOT effective.Answer 1:Basically, yes. But you must visit a doctor to see why it makes you sick and what to use instead. Also, sex with Nuvaring is not unprotected sex. You protected, with Nuvaring :-).I would say it is pretty clear to anyone that the NUvaring should be used as described in the manual in order to be effective for future time. The question here, however, is if taking the Nuvaring out has consequences on being still protected from the effects of a previous sexual intercourse. The Nuvaring did its job during the intercourse, and is of course not protecting you any further if you take it out.