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Assisted living facilities provide support to people who require consistent care in their daily lives. Some people may require assisted living as they age and enter the retirement age. Residents in such facilities typically have their own space and privacy. However, they also have access to quality caretakers 24 hours a day should they need help with anything.

Some senior citizens resist assisted living because they want to feel independent and don't want to ask for help. It can be hard to admit that you require outside help for tasks you have never had trouble completing before. However, it's important to understand that assisted living doesn't mean that you are no longer capable of taking care of yourself. It is not the same thing as nursing home. Nursing homes are typically for people who need very intensive care and cannot survive on their own. Assisted living facilities, on the other hand, are for senior citizens who want help with day-to-day activities and resources that can be quickly accessed in emergency situations. Residents in such facilities are still very much capable of taking care of themselves but want to enjoy a higher level of care than they can get being alone in their homes.

Assisted living facilities provide a number of benefits to senior citizens. They offer healthcare services that would not be as easily accessible at home. They also provide their residents with recreational activities. They give you a chance to enjoy games and social interaction with people of the same age. People that work in such facilities are professionals in their fields. They are trained to work with the elderly and are always available for help.

While senior citizens sometimes resist assisted living as they age, these facilities offer excellent services to the elderly. They should not be seen as a last resort but rather as a resource people should use when they reach retirement age and find day-to-day tasks a bit difficult.

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There are a few sites online to guide you and help you choosing for assisted living. Even sites with some tips for choosing, like Assisted Living Facilities, where you can compare facilities.

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Most workers in assisted living facilities are nice and well mannered. People who are hired to work in assisted living facilities are often hired because they enjoy working with people which entails a good, positive attitude.

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According to a 2009 report by the Assisted Living Federation of America, there are more than 36,000 assisted living facilities all over the United States serving more than 1 million senior citizens.

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Since there is no federal agency that regulates assisted living facilites they are regulated and licensed at the state level. All 50 states have some form of licensing for assisted facilities.

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The best assisted living in Stockton is the Sunshine Homes Assisted Living Center. It is located in a great area and comes highly recommended.

Where can you find assisted living centers in Arizona?

You can find assisted living centers in Arizone online at websites such as AZDHS, AALHA, and Emeritus. You can also find assisted living centers around the country online at the Assisted Living Facilities website.

Where in Houston can one find an assisted living facility?

There are several Assisted Living Facilities in Houston. If one uses the tool 'Houston Senior Living Finder', one will be provided with detailed maps containing pictures, addresses, phone numbers and directions to all Assisted Living Facilities in Houston.

Where can I find assisted living facilities for the elderly?

The best place to find assisted living facilities for the elderly is to look it up on yellow pages or you can even look in a phone or ask someone whos using assited living.

Who can live in a assisted living facility?

Anyone who needs assisted living and either has the insurance to pay for it or the money to do so. Usually the elderly or the mentally unstable tend to reside in assisted living facilities.