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Q: Who is responsible for the overall safety of the facility and equipment in an DA Civilian workplace?
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Does facility and equipment mean the same thing?

No facility is a place and equipment is anything kept, furnished, or provided for a specific purpose.

What prison riot in New York led to 11 civilian and correction officers death's?

The riot at the Attica Correctional Facility resulted in 39 deaths including 10 correctional officers and civilian employees.

Can a Michigan corrections officer make an arrest in a public setting?

No, a Michigan corrections officer does not have the authority to make an arrest in a public setting unless they witness a crime being committed. They can detain individuals within the confines of a correctional facility but do not have general arrest powers outside of their workplace.

Will a soccer player need to bring his own equipment?

Generally is provided by team or facility.

Is there a rental facility offering flow meter equipment near Houston? do provide this facility in houston. they offer to Rent & Buy Ultrasonic Flow Meters. they Also includes electronic measurement & test equipment, flow meter, humidity meter

What does Zivil gefangenenlager mean?

"Zivil gefangenenlager" is a German term that translates to "civilian prisoner camp" in English. It refers to a facility where civilian individuals are detained or held captive.

Different between terminal loopback and facility loopback in optical fiber?

In telecommunications, facility refers to the transport network (see In an optical transport network, facility would refer to the optical fibre plant. Terminal refers to the end equipment that is communicating over the transport network (see Thus, in the context of optical transport equipment, a terminal loopback sends data received from the end equipment back to the equipment. A facility loopback sends data received from the transport network back to the transport network.

Which incident facility is the location where personnel and equipment are kept while for tactical assignments?

Staging Area

Can someone on workers comp be denied access to their worksite?

Yes. An employer would have the right to bar an employee from entering the workplace while she/he is out of work collecting workers comp under certain circumstances. There may be an insurance issue or the workplace may be a secure facility. If the workplace is a public park, or retail establishment, maybe not.

What equipment do you need before you start your vet tech job?

Veterinary technicians do not have to supply their own equipment. The facility where a technician is employed will have stethoscopes, thermometers, etc.

What is LTSA?

Under contratual terms it is "Long Term Service Agreement". If a contractor constructs a facility, he would enter into a LTSA with the client to maintain the main equipment / components of the the facility.

Physicians responsible for federally funded patients in a certified health care facility are referred to as?
