Twisted vertebrae cause back/neck pain. In some cases, if the twisted vertebrae is in the cervical spine, it can cause nerve damage. Twisted vertebrae can be fixed with chiropracty, or surgery.
the fixed the fixed
plastic surgery
A hymen can be fixed by surgery. Most hymen restoring surgeries are sought out by people who are looking to restore their virginity for cultural reasons.
A fixed male cat will typically have a small incision on its abdomen where the surgery was performed to neuter him. This surgery removes the testicles, so a fixed male cat will not have visible testicles.
In medical terms, "immobilize" means to keep in a fixed position.
Not unless he has the surgery reversed.
if you get spinal surgery your spine will be fixed
Female cats are fixed through spaying surgery by removing their ovaries and uterus, which prevents them from becoming pregnant and eliminates their heat cycles.
The first time in 1979 after breaking his nose, he had it fixed and made slightly smaller, that one resulted in him having breathing problems so he went under the knife again to sort it out.
Neuter Surgery is a surgery were an animal is neutered; Meaning that anamals get their sexual organs removed or tied manually. ( also known as getting fixed)