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You need a Medical Degree before you can become a surgeon. And that requires completion of a Bachelor's Degree first. And after med school there are many other classes and practical experience required.

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18y ago
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11y ago

Degrees for surgeons are as varied as the types of surgeons and the fields they practice in. Basically speaking, upon graduating from medical school the first degree you could receive would be "Bachelor of Medicine" and/or "Bachelor of Surgery", these appear to be different but are in practice generally considered one. Depending what country your in can vary as to what degrees are called and what is needed. In the United States, either the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) degree or the Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree would need to be earned in order to be a surgeon.

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15y ago

First, there is no such thing as a degree in pre-med. It is a curriculum layout or sometimes referred to as a tract, which prepares students who intend to seek admission to medical schools. It includes activities such as prerequisite coursework, clinical experience, volunteer activities, and research.

While many individuals who pursue a career as a physician major in Biology at the undergraduate level, many others come from a variety of other educational backgrounds. The best major should be based on a contingency plan. In other words, what happens if you do not go to medical school? What will you be able to do with the degree that you have, and will it provide you with a satisfying career or career path? You should meet with a career counselor at the college or university you attend for what options exist for you. Whichever major you choose, the critical issue is acquiring the appropriate prerequisite coursework required by medical schools. The student should have a strong background in the following areas.

  • Biology (cell biology, biology of the organism)
  • Chemistry (inorganic, organic)
  • Physics
  • Communication (written and oral)
  • Higher level math's (algebra, trigonometry, calculus)
  • Computer literacy
  • Development of good critical thinking skills.

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17y ago

You would need a medical degree and residency in surgery to become a surgeon. If you become a registered nurse, you could assist a surgeon.

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12y ago

A surgeon degree.

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