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Q: What structure in the human is analogous to the cecum?
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How does analogous structure support evolution?

Analogous structure supports evolution because some of these structure may have existed long ago, however not all analogous structure support the same evolutionary path.

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In a chiasmus structure, the word "analogous" could be presented as "analogous it may be, be it may analogous." This structure creates a symmetrical and balanced effect by mirroring the word order.

What animals do not have a cecum?

Birds, carnivores like cats and dogs, and some fish are examples of animals that do not have a cecum. The cecum is a specialized structure found in herbivores that assists in the digestion of plant material.

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What is homologous organs and analogous organ?

Homologous organs have similar looking structure and similar origin but different functions . Whereas analogous is just the opposite analogous organs are those that have similar function but different origin and structure

What do analogous structure tells us?

nothing much

What features of the human cecum is lacking in the cat?

The appendix is the feature of the human cecum that isn't found in cats. Although the human appendix doesn't have a determined function, some scientists speculate that it produces and protects beneficial bacteria.

What feature of the human cecum is lacking in the fetal pig?

The human cecum has a vermiform appendix, which is lacking in the fetal pig. The vermiform appendix is a small, finger-like projection located at the junction of the small and large intestines in humans, serving as a reservoir for beneficial gut bacteria.

What hangs off the end off the cecum?

The appendix hangs off the end of the cecum. It is a small, tube-like structure that is part of the digestive system. It is believed to have a role in immune function.

What organ system does the cecum belong to?

The cecum belongs to the digestive system. It is a pouch-like structure at the beginning of the large intestine where the small intestine connects to the colon.