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The most serious risk associated with FESS is blindness resulting from damage to the optic nerve

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Q: What risk is associated with endoscopic sinus surgery?
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What is the greatest risk with endoscopic plantar fasciotomy?

The greatest risk with endoscopic plantar fasciotomy is that the arch will drop slightly as a result of this surgery, causing other foot problems.

What are the pro's and cons of having endoscopic back surgery?

Endoscopic back surgery can improve back problems quickly and with less pain than traditional back surgeries. This surgery is minimally invasive so there is less risk of infection and less healing time. As with any surgery there are risks. One con of endoscopic back surgery is that only one level of the back can be operated on at a time so someone with issues at multiple spine or muscular levels may need multiple surgeries.

What risks exist for the patient in undergoing a fasciotomy?

In endoscopic plantar fasciotomy, the greatest risk is that the arch will drop slightly as a result of this surgery, causing other foot problems. Risks involved with other types of fasciotomy are those associated with the administration of anesthesia.

What are the morbidity or mortality rates associated with fetoscopy?

There is no morbidity or mortality associated with external fetoscopy. In the case of endoscopic fetoscopy, the risk of fetal loss is estimated to be between 3% and 5%.

What are some of the risk associated with disc replacement surgery?

Some of the risk associated with disc replacement surgery is that you will continue to suffer back pain even after the surgery or you could reinjur yourself and put your back in even more harm.

What are the risks associated with laparoscopic band surgery?

Lap band surgery has a number of risks associated with it. It is an invasive surgery, so the risk of infection is present. There is also a risk of the stomach wall being cut during the procedure, which would require additional surgery. Make sure to consult your doctor to see if you are a good candidate for the surgery.

What is the main gastric bypass surgery risk?

There are indeed risks associated as this is major surgery. Patients can get heart attack or strokes if they are not monitored carefully after surgery.

What are the benefits of endoscopic spine surgery?

It has a high success rate and low patient risk, as well as faster recovery time, which is always a good thing with surgery. It helps relieve chronic back and/or neck pain and discomfort caused by spinal injuries.

What is hypophysectomy's major risk?

A special risk associated with surgery on the pituitary is the risk of destroying the entire gland and leaving the entire endocrine system without regulation.

What should I know before undergoing cosmetic surgery?

You should know all the risk associated with cosmetic surgery before you undergo any.

What risks are associated with Maze procedure?

The Maze procedure is major surgery and patients may experience any of the normal complications associated with major surgery and anesthesia, such as the risk of bleeding, pneumonia, or infection.

Understanding the Risks with a Gastric Bypass?

There is a gastric bypass risk that is associated with getting the gastric bypass procedure. Studies show that there are some risks associated with it. 1 in 500 risk death even from the best surgeons. However, in the real world, the risk of dying is at about one in 30. However, the risk of dying from getting gastric bypass surgery was much lower than those obese people who did not get the surgery. Those who got the surgery had an 89% lower risk of death than those who did not get the surgery at all. It is beneficial to get the surgery for those that are morbidly obese only.