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Umbilical cord blood is special because it contains a lot of cells called hematopoietic stem cells. A stem cell is an unspecialized master cell that can develop into several different kinds of specialized cells.

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A cord blood bank is unique in that is is a facility that stores umbilical cord blood for future use. It was developed in response to the potential of treating immune and blood diseases, by transplanting umbilical cord blood.

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Related questions

What is done with the cord blood afterbirth?

The cord blood is either donated in the public cord blood bank or stored in a family cord blood bank. Storing cord blood in a family blood bank requires you to pay annual storage fee.

When and where did the first cord blood bank open in Canada?

The Alberta Cord Blood Bank is Canada's first public cord blood bank and it was founded in 1996. Here, you can only donate cord blood.

When was Singapore Cord Blood Bank created?

Singapore Cord Blood Bank was created in 2004.

Where can one find information on a cord blood bank in New England?

One can find information on a cord blood bank in New England by visiting the Cord Blood Bank official website. There one can find details of the services they offer and contact details.

Which organisation in Detroit, MI helps with cord blood donation ?

I think National Cord Blood Stem Cell Bank can helps with cord blood donation

What is umbilical cord blood?

A cord blood donation is an act of giving your newborn's umbilical cord to a public cord blood bank. The donated cord blood will be stored in a nitrogen-filled freezer until a recipient orders one.

What is the use of a cord blood bank?

Cord blood stem cells are stored inside a nitrogen-filled freezer. These stem cells are used to cure fatal diseases like cancers, brain tumors, cerebral palsy, diabetes, Parkinsons, etc.

What is umbilical cord blood donations?

A cord blood donation is an act of giving your newborn's umbilical cord to a public cord blood bank. The donated cord blood will be stored in a nitrogen-filled freezer until a recipient orders one.

Why shouldn't i bank cord blood in a public bank?

Why not? Even the AAP recommends people to donate cord blood in public cord blood bank. The donation is free of charge and it costs around $35000 when retrieved. A mom only needs to sign all the necessary documents before her date of delivery. For all the successful stories a cord blood from a public bank, visit the blog attached.

What is a public blood cord bank?

Public cord banks do not charge a fee to collect or store cord blood. Parents of newborns donate the cord blood, and it is then available to anyone who needs it and is an appropriate match.

What are 5 pros on cord blood?

1) A cord blood can cure fatal diseases like cancers, diabetes, cerebral palsy, etc. 2) A cord blood can be donated in public cord blood bank for free. 3) Storing cord in a private cord blood bank is a health investment, if your budget allows it. 4) Harvesting cord blood is 100% safe and fast. The procedure does not harm the mother or the baby. 5) There are already hundreds of successful stories about cord blood transplant in the world. You can read it in the blog provided.

Where can someone locate cord blood banking services in Canada?

You can find a cord blood banking service in Canada at the Cord Blood Bank of Canada website. Alternatively, you can also find a cord blood banking service in Canada at the Health Cord website.