The ingredients for meat tenderizers is: salt, dextrose, bromelain, tricalcium phosphate, hydrogenated soybean and cottenseed oil.
According to "Yahoo Answers" meat tenderizers contain proteases which help that break down proteins, histones.
Today, we did a lab in our Biology class. In the lab we used oninons to extract DNA. Luckily, my group did really well this time - WITHOUT messing the labs (as we usually do). *clap clap - cheer*
Anyhow, we are also trying to answer our lab quesitons, and happened to stumble upon your question - or this quesiton rather as i don't know who posed the question.
Once again, refer to "Yahoo Answers" as it has a detailed answer to the question.
Enzymes are used in DNA extraction labs to break down proteins and cell membranes, releasing the DNA from the cells. Enzymes like protease and RNase are commonly used to degrade unwanted molecules in the sample, allowing the DNA to be isolated and purified effectively. Additionally, enzymes like DNA polymerase are used in PCR techniques to amplify specific DNA fragments for further analysis.
roll of Na CL in DNA extraction
Glycerol is sometimes added to DNA extraction buffers to increase the density of the solution, allowing DNA to precipitate more efficiently. It also helps stabilize DNA during extraction procedures by preventing degradation from nucleases.
To give the solution buffering capacity.
stabilization of phenol against oxidation
Calcium acetate is used in DNA extraction to neutralize the negative charge of DNA molecules, allowing them to aggregate and precipitate out of solution. This helps to separate DNA from other cellular components during the extraction process, making it easier to isolate pure DNA for downstream applications.
70% ethanol is used in DNA extraction to wash and precipitate DNA from a sample. Ethanol helps to remove impurities and salts, allowing DNA to clump together and be easily separated from the rest of the sample. It also helps to preserve the integrity of the DNA during the extraction process.
DNAzol is a reagent used in DNA extraction to lyse cells by disrupting the cell membrane and nucleus. It helps release DNA from the cells and proteins, allowing for subsequent separation and purification of the DNA. DNAzol also helps protect the DNA from degradation during the extraction process.
Incubation in DNA extraction helps break down the cell and nuclear membranes, releasing the DNA. The incubation step usually involves a lysis buffer that contains detergents and enzymes to disrupt the cellular structure and separate the DNA from other cellular components. This allows for the extraction and purification of the DNA for downstream applications.
A cheese cloth is typically used in DNA extraction to filter out solid cell debris from the sample, leaving behind only the liquid DNA-containing solution. This helps to ensure a cleaner and more purified DNA extract that can be further processed and analyzed.
Heat anneals DNA strand i.e. separate two strands of DNA to build anti-codon to desired DNA strand