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not to cure the cancer, but to relieve the symptoms of a patient who cannot be cured

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Q: What is the purpose of palliative surgery?
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Explain the concept of palliative surgery she is transferred to an acute hospital for a colostomy?

Palliative surgery does not cure, but can reduce pain and hopefully improve an individuals quality of life.

Is surgery the only option for treating umbilical hernia post pregnancy or is there any natural cure or remedy to it?

There is only a palliative treatment of umblical hernia in homeopathy. Sooner or later you have to resort to surgery.

What palliative measures may patients with esophageal cancer receive?

In addition to surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, other palliative measures can provide symptomatic relief. Dilatation of the narrowed portion of the esophagus with soft tubes can provide short-term relief of dysphagia.

How is palliative cancer therapy done?

Care can include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, symptomatic treatments resulting from cancer, and side effects of treatment.

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What has the author Klaus Schultis written?

Klaus Schultis has written: 'Palliativ-chirurgische Eingriffe bei malignen Tumoren' -- subject(s): Cancer, Surgery, Palliative treatment

Does palliative care mean you go into a hospice?

Not necessarily: hospice care is palliative care. But palliative care is not necessarily hospice care. Palliative care can be applied to patients with chronic, incurable conditions, such as cerebral palsy.

Use palliative in a sentence?

The nitroglycerin was palliative to saving his life during his heartattack.

When was Journal of Palliative Medicine created?

Journal of Palliative Medicine was created in 1998.

What does palliative?

Palliative means "minimizing the progression of a disease", as distinct from attempting to cure it.

What is the purpose of tubal surgery?

The purpose of tubal surgery is to cause one not to become pregnant anymore. So if one does not want to worry about pregnancy than one would have tubal surgery.

Which legislation governs the provision of palliative care in australia?

Palliative Care Act 1995