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Q: What is the importance of patient flow?
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The importance of medical record keeping is keeping a treatment record of a patient that allows medical professionals to know the patient's past

How do you maintain oxygen flow when breathing for a patient in resuscitation?


Why do you have to inform your patient?

(See 'what is the importance of informing patients. Reguards, moonchild1989)

What is the importance of giving proper medication?

The importance of giving proper medication is that it helps us avoid accidents, it also helps us not to worsen the patient's ailment and it will make the patient's ailment become well. :)

How would you optimize the patient flow in a hospital?

There are varying opinions on how to optimize patient flow in a hospital. Dr. Jensen has a video of his methods on YouTube and Becker's Hospital Review suggests expanding the ED.

How is patient satisfaction of importance in the private medical field?

Patient satisfaction is of importance in the private medical field because how a patient views they were treated weighs heavily on their decision to return to that practice's office again. Patients who are satisfied with the care they received, cleanliness, and how they were treated are more likely to return.

What regulates the flow of oxygen to a hospital patient?

A valve regulates the oxygen flow, and attachments may be connected to provide moisture.

What is the importance of flow chart?

To provide a cohesive collection of information at a glance.

What is the importance of swab count intraoperatively?

The importance of counting all supplies in the operating room is to ensure that no equipment or supplies is left inside the patient.

When ventilating a patient with a flow restricted oxygen powered ventilation device you should?

Ensure proper mask fit, maintain correct flow rate, monitor patient response, and be prepared to switch to manual ventilation if needed.

What is the difference between time cycled and flow cycled ventilator?

In a time-cycled ventilator, the breath is delivered for a set period of time, regardless of patient effort, while in a flow-cycled ventilator, the breath is delivered until a preset flow rate is reached. Time-cycled ventilation is independent of the patient's respiratory effort, whereas flow-cycled ventilation is dependent on the patient's inspiratory effort.