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Q: What is the Recovery time of the human ATPPC?
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What is the recovery time for the ATP-PC system?

The recovery time for the ATP-PC system is...

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The recovery time for ultrasonic lithotripsy surgery will vary with each person. On average, the recovery time is less than 4 weeks.

Why is recovery important to include in a workout program?

Recovery rate is important because the human heart can only withstand high stress for limited periods of time. A better recovery rate means that a shorter overall period of stress. It also shortens the time for the body to receive the required nutrients and oxygen and to dispel wastes after the period of stress.

What kind of recovery time is involved with laser skin resurfacing?

The recovery time is usually about 2 months

Recovery time after tracheostomy?

Full recovery of a tracheostomy is about two weeks.

What does heart recovery time mean?

Your heart recovery time is the time it takes you to get from your max heart rate to your resting heart rate.

What is the relationship between pulse rate and recovery time after exercise?

recovery time makes the pulse rate normal=)