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Q: What is dedicated equipment in a health care facility?
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Who manages the operation of a health care facility?

A healthcare facility administrator manages the operation of a health care facility. The facility can range from a hospital to nursing home.

Manage the operation of a health care facility?


What is the name of the health care facility provides assistance and care for elderly?

nursing home or assisted living facility

Infections acquired in a health care facility?


What is an infection present in a health care facility and transmitted by health care workers to the patient?

It is called nosocomial infection.

Jobs that start with j in health care?

There are not any known positions in the health care field that begin with the letter J. A janitor can work in a health care facility.

What Is Medical Equipment Loan?

Medical equipment loan is a loan that can be availed by medical doctors & companies to take care of their equipment needs for upgrading their technology.

What is an example of protective health information?

Medical care facility name

Who or what determines the information to be included in an incident report?

health care facility

Where are nosocomial infections acquired?

A nosocomial infection is any infection caught at a health care facility or place of treatment. The cause is usually improper infection control measures at the facility, although nowadays they are present in most all health care locations. Protect yourself by washing hands before, during, and after being in health care facilities.

What type of health care facility offers the most personalized medical care?

Doctor's office

Meaning of rural health unit?

the primary government health care facility at the municipal level wherein health services are delivered.