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A stent, an expandable mesh-like structure is placed over the angioplasty site to keep the coronary open.

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Q: What is an expandable meshlike structure that is used to keep partially occluded vessels open?
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What is meant by 'in series vs in parallels' when talking about the heart?

If you resect out an occluded section of coronary artery then anastomose a vein to re-connect, that is serial.If you graft a section of vein across a partially occluded artery without resecting that segment, that would be parallel.

What does a occluded froun look like?

An occluded frontal view is usually depicted as an image or diagram that shows the front of an object partially hidden or obstructed by another object or surface in the foreground. This visual technique can create a sense of depth and dimension by suggesting a three-dimensional form that is not fully visible.

What is a occluded called?

Occluded mean blocked.The artery was 50% occluded.The occluded blood vessel created a medical emergency.

How do you use occluded in a sentence?

The wad of paper occluded the toilet

What is occluded?

In general, "occluded" means blocked or covered. In meteorology, it refers to a front where a cold front overtakes a warm front, resulting in the warm air being lifted off the ground and no longer in contact with the surface.

Describe the weather before and after an occluded front?

Before an occluded front, you may experience warm temperatures and possibly thunderstorms as warm air is lifted ahead of the front. After an occluded front passes, you can expect cooler temperatures, clearing skies, and a decrease in precipitation as the occluded front brings cooler air mass to the region.

What type of precipitation falls during an occluded front?

At an occluded front, rain or snow can fall. Hope this helps. =)

Does an occluded front bring cold weather?

yes: occluded fronts cause the weather to turn cloudy and rainy or snowy

What is a good sentence using the word occluded?

The cold front became occluded when it was taken over by the faster moving one.

Are the sounds of Korotkoff like a pulse?

Yes and no. They certainly sound like a pulse! But the pulse is a feeling of blood flow through a vein, whereas Korotkoff sounds are the sounds of turbulent blood flow through a constricted or partially occluded artery.

What is a good sentence for a occluded front?

An occluded front is formed during the process of cyclogenesis when a warm front is overtaken by a cold front.

Is a blizzard considered an occluded front?
