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A stomach band surgery is a procedure only limited for people who are considered morbidly obese, which helps to reduce one's appetite, as the the band in the stomach prevents the stomach from expanding. The surgery is a service offered at the NHS.

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13y ago

Although both procedures have been proven to work, gastric banding (stomach band)has a lower mortality rate with fewer life threatening complications.However you can research both online at and weight loss surgery is an option when dieting and exercise have failed and/or its complications are affecting your health or quality of life.

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13y ago

For the majority of people, stomach surgery weight loss is not the best option. It is a major surgery with many risks and complications, and will have a long term impact on patients lives.

The surgery is generally reserved for people who are severely overweight, usually with a BMI of 40 or more, who are not able to control their weight through diet and exercise.

After the surgery is performed, there is still need for the patient to continue with a healthy diet and exercise. Living healthily requires making healthy eating a lifestyle, and not a temporary fix through surgery.

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It is named as Bariatric Surgery

Heftiness in straightforward term is a body condition having abundance fat. It ought not be mistaken for overweight which is simply weighing excessively. Body weight is relied upon bone, muscle, fat, body water and so forth. Be that as it may, weight is a condition wherein one has overabundance fat in the body. Weight can builds auxiliary sickness like Diabetes, coronary illness, joint inflammation, aspiratory brokenness and so on.

Corpulence can be treated with the assistance of weight reduction medical procedure, likewise called bariatric medical procedure. Apollo Health City is outstanding amongst other bariatric medical procedure emergency clinics in Hyderabad. It has the best weight reduction specialists in Hyderabad who have track record of most elevated achievement rate and numerous upbeat patients.

Please click on Apollo Hospitals Hyderabad to know about our services

At our medical clinic, we have best dieticians in Hyderabad. We keep on furnishing the best weight reduction medical procedure with assistance of experienced heftiness experts and advanced stoutness treatment offices.

There are numerous strategies followed in weight reduction medical procedure. The most widely recognized technique is to confine the measure of nourishment utilization. Another strategy is bariatric medical procedure that controls the assimilation and ingestion of supplements. Our bariatric specialists chooses the weight reduction medical procedure strategy as indicated by the wellbeing state of the patient.

Here are some Bariatric Procedures:

• Gastric Banding Procedure depiction

• Gastric Bypass Procedure Description

• Gastric Sleeve Procedure Description

• Gastric Balloon Procedure Description

Please click on Bariatric Surgery Hospital in Hyderabad to know more about benefits and working of Bariatric surgery

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14y ago

The name for the surgery you are looking for is called Lap-Band surgery. It can assist with weight loss.

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What is stomach stapling?

Stomach stapling is a slang term for lap band surgery not gastric bypass. The lap band surgery typically uses a rubber band to shrink the stomach and is reversable. A gastric bypass procedure cuts away the stomach and is permanent.

How does band surgery affect the actual size of my stomach?

Band surgery "reduces" the size of your stomach by banding off a section and making it inaccessible. Since your stomach is smaller, it logically follows that you cannot physically eat as much.

What is barometric surgery?

Barometric surgery is a type of obesity surgery in which a section of the stomach is removed and compressed with a band. This band reduces the size of the upper part of the stomach, which reduces the appetite for food. This band is usually made of silicone and is placed on the inside of the abdomen during surgery. By this surgery, the capacity of the stomach to lose weight is reduced, which leads to a decrease in appetite and a decrease in the amount of food consumed.

What is involved in a band surgery?

"Band surgery would be referred to as Gastric Bypass surgery. They place a band around the stomach to reduce intake of food, thus helping an obese person to lose weight."

Gastric Band Bypass Surgery Safe, Reversible?

Gastric band bypass surgery is becoming a popular choice for many patients wanting to avoid a bypass or stomach reduction. In the band procedure, a band is placed on the stomach that restricts the stomach size. After the surgery, the stomach will hold two ounces of food. As time goes on as the stomach stretches, it will hold four to six ounces of food. A small stomach size helps you feel fuller for a longer time and reduce the amount of food you eat.

An Overview of the Stomach Banding Surgery ?

Stomach banding is a type of surgery focused mainly on weight loss for individuals who have been deemed obese. The surgery consists of a surgeon placing a band securely around the upper region of the stomach. This band is tightened and forms a small pouch at the top of the stomach. What the band does is it limits the amount of food the stomach can hold at one time and promotes the sense of feeling full after smaller meals are eaten. The band can be adjusted at any time to allow for a gradual return to a normal sized stomach.

what is gastric band weight loss?

Gastric Band Weightloss is a surgery where they place a band around your stomach. After surgery your stomach can only handle so much food, so this cut backs your intake. On top of the surgery you must make a commitment to a healthier lifestyle, diet and excercise included.

What Is Gastric Bypass Lap Surgery?

Lap Band surgery is a bariatric weight loss surgery that is a less invasive alternative to gastric bypass surgery. Lap Band surgery is typically down as an outpatient procedure and patients are able to go home just a few hours after surgery is completed. Lap Band surgery does not cut the stomach as gastric bypass surgery does. Instead a band is placed around the stomach that reduced the amount of food the body can take in. This band can be easily adjusted to allow more or less food to be consumed at any time. The band is also completely removable.

How many different types of gastric band surgery are there?

There is only one major type of gastric band surgery available that is safe and approved by the FDA. The surgery restricts your stomach, which is used to assist people in losing weight.

Where can I found out about gastric band procedure?

The gastric band procedure is a band that goes around your stomach that is surgically inserted and reduces the stomach's holding capacity and is adjustable without surgery from a pump under the skin.

What is involved with lap-band surgery?

Laparoscopic weight loss surgery is a surgery that is intended to help bring about weight loss in a person. This is done by shrinking the size of the stomach or removing a part of the stomach.

What is laparoscopic bariatric surgery?

The surgery mimics other details of bypass surgeries. A band is placed on the stomach, often the small intestines are re-routed, and a portion of the stomach is removed or a pouch is placed near the valve.